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Tackling Marital Challenges Head-on  3

I started this topic a while ago and I will be concluding it today.

Let me quickly summarize the 6 points.

  1. Communication issues
  2. Financial strain
  3. Emotional Compatibility
  4. Intimacy and Sexuality
  5. Conflict Resolution
  6. Balancing individuality

7.  In-law issues

Another challenge faced by married couples in their marriage is managing in-law issues. Some in-laws can be really troublesome, others over sensitive while others could just be selfish. Whichever category your in-laws fall into, they should be treated with a lot of wisdom and tact. Always remember to treat in-laws with understanding knowing you will be an in-law someday. The bottom line is, to protect your spouse, defend them, and don’t expose them.

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8. Parenting

Not knowing how to raise children is definitely a challenge. Differing parenting styles and decisions. Both couples are to discuss and agree on the parenting model they should adopt in their family.

9. Life-Work Balance

Creating a balance between work, family and personal time between couples can be a threat to the marriage. Couples who work for several hours or live apart should discuss how best to adapt. There should be a good balance between all three or it will take a toll on the marriage and the children 

10. Other Stressor

Every other factor that disturbs the peace and unity of the marriage comes under this category. Things like health, societal pressure, job changes, peer pressure, and ignorance are a few of the external stressors that can impact the marriage negatively.

In conclusion, a successful marriage requires open communication, compromise, and a commitment to working through these challenges together. Challenges are meant to be overcome.

Not forgetting to seek help through books, seminars, therapy, and mentors for difficult issues.


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