1. You are not lonely.
If you are lonely, you are not ready for marriage. Adam was alone, not lonely. Loneliness and alone-ness are miles apart.
Marriage is never intended to cure loneliness, rather it is to compliment you and provide companionship.
If you study the word, “helper’ you will understand what I am saying here.
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Genesis 2:18 (KJV)
The Amplified Bible calls it helper and then goes further to expatiate that word.
Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.
Genesis 2:18 (AMPC)
2. You are not looking for a house-help.
A lady is to be a helper and not a house-help. The roles are defined. They are not the same.
She can help out do laundry depending on your arrangement, but she is not a dry cleaner or a washing machine.
She is not coming to work her hands off while the husband sits back and watches news and football.
This even becomes important these days when there are a lot of career women.
If the young couple doesn’t have house-helps or anybody helping out, then they need to both face the work and not leave it for one party.
This does not undermine the hard work and industriousness of the wife as this is exemplified in the virtuous woman, but it also doesn’t make the husband redundant in the house as well.
There should be “division of labour” in love!
And this is why ladies should not go and spend weekends with a boyfriend all in the bid of securing a wedding. It doesn’t work that way.
You will end up having plenty of Jeru trips and less meaningful discussions to advance your marital plans.
The time that should be spent in knowing each other and probing character defects are spent locked up in each other’s embrace, in a passionate Jeru trip, and this is why there are problems after the wedding.
You never got to know that person with you on the bed.
God will help me to get it right in marriage.
Lord, help me in every you can in the name of Jesus
Isaiah 42:19 (MSG)You’re my servant, and you’re not looking! You’re my messenger, and you’re not listening! The very people I depended upon, servants of GOD, blind as a bat—willfully blind!
Pray in the Spirit
Matthew 24
I receive the help of God… I will get it right in my marriage in the name of Jesus
Lord help me to get it right in marriage in Jesus name. Amen