Sexual Addiction was taught by Rev. Dunamis Okunowo on the 18th of August 2021 at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, Beside Trans Amusement Park, Bodija-UI Road, Ibadan.
In his teaching, Rev. Dunamis made mention of the following important points:
It is to the extent to which you are free that you can help others.
Sexual addiction is a mental disease.
The problem that follows you to marriage started when you were single. So you must learn to deal with the issues you see in your life as a single. The earlier you deal with sexual addiction, the better for you.
3 Building Blocks Of Sexual Addiction
- Fantasy
- Pornography
- Masturbation
Some sex addicts do not need pornography to start fantasizing.
Some Characteristics Of Sex Addicts
- Poor self-image
- Mood alteration and escape
- Denial and delusions
Most of our problems began when we were little, and until we go back to the beginning we may not be able to break free.
There are some unhealthy family rules which can serve as a root of sexual addiction. Some of these rules include we don’t talk, we don’t feel, we blame others for our problems, we minimize our problems, we deny our problems.
You have to come to the place of honesty to be absolutely free. As a single person, you must learn to talk.
If you don’t rewire your brain, you cannot be all that God has called you to be.
The lying spirit prevents any help from coming to you. So when the devil wants to deal with you with sexual sins or sexual addiction, he brings lies and deception with it, so that you don’t tell the whole truth and be free. You therefore live in continuous denial and setback.
You must therefore learn to speak up, not to just anybody but to mature people who watch over you e.g. your pastor, etc.
To listen to messages of Rev Dunamis, go HERE or HERE