Reading Time: 2 minutes

Depression, discouragement, or moodiness happens to everyone at one point or another. As a couple, you are not also immune to this. Life happens and a lot of things have the potential of getting us down emotionally.

Your spouse will not have the solution to the problem but one of the dividends of a good marriage is having someone who can be a source of succor or comfort at such times.

We should also note that your spouse may not be an expert yet at knowing the right words or actions to take that will make you feel better at such times.

You need to learn to be patient with them. It may even be possible your spouse is also dealing with another form of pressure.

That is why it is good that each couple have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is the ultimate comfort who knows us better than ourselves. He will not only comfort us, he will strengthen us and give us joy and gladness for our depression.

The power of God’s word is such that His words become the rejoicing of our hearts.

However, we still need to be there for one another. We need to be so full or filled with the Holy Spirit that we are able to speak into the lives of each other at such times.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

Some temperaments are more prone to discouragement than others, but whichever way, we must be a source of strength and encouragement to our spouse.

Here are few ways to be a source of encouragement to your spouse

1. Love your spouse genuinely
I believe to be a source of encouragement to your spouse you have to have a deep and genuine love for them, where you almost cannot bear to see them hurting or going through pain. It is this compassion that helps you to be a source of genuine comfort to your spouse, where the love of God is shed abroad in your heart.

2. Have daily communion with the Holy Spirit
What this does is that you are well equipped. He is the source of strength. The strength needed daily is gotten in the place of communion with the Holy Spirit.

May God bless our marriage.

I have victory over depression

Pray against the spirit of depression

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV)

Resist everything that triggers negative thoughts

Matthew 22; Mark 12


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