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Today is Oil For Today – Day 181. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.

Scriptures For Today

Oil For Today – Day 181

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. 

Joshua 1:7 KJV

Prayer Points For Today

Oil For Today – Day 181

1. Let’s begin to worship and give thanks to God

2. I receive Grace for strength and courage to take the steps I should take in Jesus name

3.  Lord make me a doer of your word in Jesus name

4. I will not turn from obeying Gods word this year in 2022

5. I receive Gods Mercy to navigate my marriage, my work, career, business and every aspect of my life in Jesus name

6. I prosper in all my ways in 2022 in Jesus name

7. The Grace to put Gods word first place in my life in Jesus mighty name

8. I receive strength to obey God every time and in all my ways in Jesus name

9. The ability to Pursue after the troops, to overtake and to without fail recover all that the enemy has stolen in past years, I receive in Jesus name

10. Let’s begin to give God thanks for answers to our prayers

Confession For Today

Oil For Today – Day 181

This month of January, this week, and today, I am strong. Where I have been weak, I receive the strength of God. By the Mercy of God, I am strong to take mighty steps. I am courageous. By the help of the Holy Spirit, I observe to do Gods word.


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