Today is Oil For Today – Day 136. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.
Scriptures For Today
Oil For Today – Day 136
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 55:12 KJV
Prayer Points For Today
Oil For Today – Day 136
- Begin to thank God for today.
- Today, I declare that my path is laced with joy in the name of Jesus.
- I command my spirit, soul, and body to be full and overflow with abundant joy.
- The joy of the LORD moves into the work of my hands and causes abundant harvest in the name of Jesus.
- As a result of the joy in my spirit, the mountains facing me break forth into testimonies in the name of Jesus.
- Every spirit assigned to keep me out of joy, I arrest you now and send you packing out of my life in the name of Jesus.
- In every place where my peace is threatened, God becomes my shield in the name of Jesus.
- Over my relationship/marriage, the joy of the LORD translates into marital beauty and bliss in the name of Jesus.
- Come Sweet Holy Spirit, and fill every space of my life with Your joy.
- Let’s begin to thank the LORD for answered prayers.
Confession For Today
Oil For Today – Day 136
Today, I have joy. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I go out with joy. I come in with singing. Everywhere I go, I experience joy. Everything I do brings me joy. No bad news around me. The Lord surrounds me with His peace. Peace in my relationship/marriage. Peace in my career/business. Peace in my finances. God is leading me. I will not take a wrong decision this day, in Jesus name, Amen.
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