So today is my birthday! It’s been 49 years! Wow! Ensure you drop a word of prayer for me! And in case you want to do a bit more than prayers, you can send your seed here – GTB, Kisses and Huggs Club, 0150088032 or see more options Here
The above topic translated will read “ O Lord, Deliver Me From Lying Lovers!
Many hearts have been wrecked, many a life has been interrupted, all because of acute insincerity of professing lovers.
Liars are simply like a plague. They will slow down, stagnate, hinder and stop a once excited and exuberant relationship.
Men and women who are ready to throw away any iota of integrity because of what they want to get out of relationship.
Many men have led astray many ladies, with blatant lies emanating straight from hell.
Many ladies have deceived their men, promising heaven and earth while knowing within them they loathe the very man that are professing to.
Married men professing to singles have violated many a heart and rupturing them in the process with lies manufactured straight from hell.
These men and women who fall in the categories are time wasters, destiny destroyers, wickedness sipping through their teeth, ready to devour and yet all these hidden behind fake romantic antics.
Lori Iro. Lying folks lying in state! My prayer this morning, is that God will deliver you from such men.
Froward men who speak frowardness from their mouth!
Strange women whose lips are colored with lipsticks of deception, alluringly drawing men who are ignorant.
Here is what the scriptures says:
Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.
Psa 120:2 (KJV)
Pray this prayer into your life as a single.
The Message Translation puts its this way:
“Deliver me from the liars, GOD! They smile so sweetly but lie through their teeth.”
Psa 120:2 (MSG)
May you not fall in love with a liar. May your heart not be gripped and magnetized to a lying soul.
May God deliver you from such, “Lori Iro” crooners!
God bless you today. Have a great day!
God delivers me from lying lovers
Ask that the Holy Spirit reveals the intent of the heart of your lover.
Psa 120:2 (MSG)”Deliver me from the liars, GOD! They smile so sweetly but lie through their teeth.”
Ask your lover direct questions.
Ps 120
May the Lord delivers me from lori lro lovers🙏🙏🙏