Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recognizing and following Christ as the good shepherd is what will ensure you go in the right direction. And to follow, you need to trust.

Every sheep that will get the best from its shepherd must learn how to be still. Being still means to trust in the shepherd’s person, that he would never lead them to a place of danger or harm nor will he leave them in the face of trouble.

They trust him to take them to where the choicest grasses are and the cleanest of water is.

The Lord is my Shepherd. I have everything I need. He gives me rest in green pastures. He leads me to calm waters. Psalm 23:1-2 ICB

They follow behind him, and when he stops, they stop too. An obedient sheep knows to stay within the safe boundaries created by the shepherd.

It is not in the sheep’s place to teach the shepherd what to do but to watch, listen to and obey the shepherd at all times. This is what following Christ means.

Do you obey your parents at home? When they tell you not to do something because of the bad things that could happen to you, do you listen to them? Or you do as you like, thinking you know what’s best for you?

A sheep doesn’t know what’s best for it. Only the shepherd does. Are you a good sheep following Jesus as your shepherd? Do you obey Him by obeying your parent’s instructions? These questions will help you know if you are following Christ.

The most important question that you need to ask yourself right now is this—have you accepted Jesus into your life as your Lord and Saviour? If yes, are you obeying His leading? If not, do so today.

May the Lord make you a good sheep. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. I want to be a sheep in your flock. Please be my shepherd. In your mighty name, I pray. Amen.

Action point:
Work on your relationship with the good Shepherd.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

Read yesterday’s article here


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