Let Him Go When He is Stubborn.
There are three things I said yesterday that you can do when he or she is insisting.
1. Make it clear
2. Be accountable
3. Ask questions
This is Part two. We started on this yesterday! If you missed it, read it HERE. What more can you do when He is insisting?
The fourth thing you can do if the insistence will not stop is to discontinue the relationship. The continual insistence and stubborn posture to what is clearly wrong can be a symptom of a deeper issue.
You see, most of the issues you will confront in marriage would all be glaring for you to see as singles! But what do we do most times? We close our eyes to the obvious signs and bury ourselves in the mire of love. As they say, love is a blinder, but marriage is an eye opener.
Pastor, why would I stop something I have invested so much in? How will I cope with a broken heart?
Well, a broken heart is better than a broken life! There is no point in getting married to someone who outright disobeys or disregards God’s word. One of the ways you will know if a man or woman will respect you is if such a person respects God!
Anybody who doesn’t respect God, who is nonchalant at the things of God, will lack the capacity to respect you or value your person.
Especially if he or she is threatening you to break up if you don’t yield to the request! Don’t beg! And don’t yield under pressure because you want to keep the relationship.
Let Him Go When He is Stubborn! Hear this, you cannot keep or preserve anything of worth with the vehicle of compromise and disobedience. It has never worked and will never work!
It is better to walk away from compromise than to preserve it and nurture it.
Let Him Go When He is Stubborn!
Don’t be like Esau!
Heb 12:16 (KJV)
Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
The Message Translation explains better:
Heb 12:16 (MSG)
Watch out for the Esau syndrome: trading away God’s lifelong gift in order to satisfy a short-term appetite.
Remember, whatever you cooperate with now is a subtle acceptance of such like eventually in marriage!
I pray God will give you more understanding! Be blessed today!
I refuse to compromise!
Lord, teach me your wisdom in my relationship
Heb 12:16 (AMPC) That no one may become guilty of sexual vice, or become a profane (godless and sacrilegious) person as Esau did, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. [Gen 25:29-34]
Read a book on relationships
Heb 12