Reading Time: 2 minutes

Life is really interesting. Children have been known to suffer sometimes for the action of their parents. A careless parent can raise a defective child. Our prisons are filled with young minds whose minds became warped because of the negligence of a father or mother. Too many people are incarcerated today because of an absentee father. Too many baby mamas do not really know the agony and pain they are initiating into their lives and that of their children whose worlds have been marred even before reaching the age of accountability.

This then becomes a point of cogitation as you begin to realize that it’s not all about you, but about your progeny which lies in your bosom. That your actions and inactions do not end with you, but their consequences can affect and alter the lives of the generations that are locked in your loins.

My discourse this morning was prompted by my meditation on a verse that jumped at me as I read my Bible.

“So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armourbearer, and all his men, that same day together.” (1Sa 31:6, KJV)

It was Saul that messed up and disobeyed God. But here are the lists of those who died with him.

1. His three sons.
2. His armourbearer
3. All his men

Isn’t it sobering? They all died with him the same day and together.

So then, you slept with a guy or a lady? So you did something wrong? It’s not ending there. You live your life carelessly the way you want it?

After all, “It’s my life!”

Well, it’s not your life. It goes beyond you. Your actions will affect generations. Think about today alone. How many decisions have you made that has affected others?

Are you taking conscious steps to change, and make adjustments?

This then leads to a logical and revelatory conclusion. You must live responsibly and in fear towards God, in the realization that you will one day stand before Him to give account.

Good morning!

I choose to live responsibly

Ask for grace to do it right

1 Sam 31:6 (CEV) Saul was dead, his three sons were dead, and the soldier who carried his weapons was dead. They and all his soldiers died on that same day.

Live responsibly, for your actions are beyond you

1 Sam 31


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