This is a question we need to ask ourselves from time to time. “Is God first in my marriage?” How do you deliberately keep God in that first place in your marriage?
You do that by making His word come first place in your relationship or marriage
How do you do that?
You read His word regularly.
You study His word regularly.
You obey His word all the way.
Let God be the first place.
When you have this covenant attitude, it will help you to resolve issues quickly in your marriage. You wouldn’t want to disobey God with strife and bitterness.
Listen to me, husbands, when you are angry with her, and you stay away from her and you refuse to talk with her, you are tampering with the blessings of God upon you as a family.
It is right there in the scripture:
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (1 Peter 3:7 KJV)
Treating your wife roughly can run prayer aground!
Wives, when you stay hurt over trivial issues and refuse all apologies or you refuse to apologise, you are actually playing with fire in the spiritual realm.
I jokingly said in an interview I had that my wife doesn’t say sorry to me. I say all the “sorry!”
But you see, in the first few years of our marriage, I didn’t use to say sorry! She said all the “sorry!”
So I guess she had exhausted her quota of “sorry” because she said it so many times! Now she doesn’t say it again, so I had to take over! It doesn’t diminish me a bit; the important thing is that somebody says “sorry!” That’s the goal.
All issues should be quickly resolved. It is not about who is wrong or who is right, it is just that you don’t want to get cut off from God’s blessings because of some feelings or ego!
It is a covenant understanding that you must imbibe which will make you go far in your marriage and in the things of God.
I am wise. I put God first place in my life and marriage
Lord, teach me to be a wise son/daughter by placing a value on your word.
Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: (1 Peter 3:8 KJV)
Go ahead and end all quarrels
Genesis 43 – 45
I am wise, i put God first in my life and marriage, In Jesus Name.
I am a wise woman. I put God first place in my life, marriage and all that I do in Jesus name. Amen
I am a wise woman, I put God first in my life & marriage in Jesus name. Amen
I have covenant understanding. I live in understanding with my wife