Infuse Your Marriage with Joyful Laughter. Truth be told, pressure is one of the things that take away joy, gladness, and of course laughter from our marriages.
When we allow the pressures of life, it has a toll on our marriages. Couples become mere house or roommates.
Only important conversation ensues between them and there seems to be no time for extra curricula activities, not to talk of laughter. There is tension and everyone is uptight.
The marriage becomes very boring and reduced to a motion of routines. Remember our minds are vital parts in making our marriages blissful. However, the devil’s aim is to get our minds preoccupied and downcast with different kinds of pressures.
The danger in allowing pressures without finding ways to handle them is that, they lead to other issues.
Un-handled pressures can lead to unnecessary anger, harsh words or reactions, keeping late nights, trying to ease off tension with ungodly friends, risk of emotional attachment with the opposite sex, inconsistent fellowship with God, lukewarmness in things of God e.g., not attending church services, overreacting to kids or house helps, mental and physical tiredness, emotional vulnerability etc, the list goes on and on.
But, in the midst of life’s pressure as a couple, you must learn to hold on to each other for spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial support.
Infuse Your Marriage with Joyful Laughter
This is the best time to be a pillar of support for each other.
Here is when your kindest words of appreciation and encouragement are needed.
At this time, love making becomes needed and not just wanted, as a means of ministering to each other. Music, especially worship becomes also very useful at such times.
This is the best time to be strong for each other. It is time to show your allegiance in very obvious and practical ways.
This is not the time to make unreasonable demands and demand for your right. This is the time to manage with the best of your skills, especially as a wife, and carry the children along to bear with the situation.
This is the time to have regular confessions together as a family.
God’s word is spoken to the atmosphere as a way of calming the storm and releasing angelic activities and assistance.
In being creative with bearing with the situation, you have to know how to spice up your home with laughter.
Laughter becomes both therapeutic and healing. It does not cost money but its value at such times is invaluable.
You try with the help of the Holy Spirit to remain joyful because the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Laugh at yourself, laugh at the situation, because you know it will soon come to pass.
Ps 2:4 ‘
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision.
When you learn to laugh, you bring God’s power into your situation.
You release God’s grace on your behalf.
Your focus shifts from the present situation to the ability of God to change and turn things around.
You begin to trust in God’s Mercy and draw strength from the throne of Grace.
Your fellowship with God is restored as you begin to see Him as your only source of Help and hope.
Then you will begin to truly know Him as your Shepherd, which leads you beside still waters and restores your soul.
May you find such refreshing in your marriage in times of pressure in Jesus’ name.