Reading Time: 2 minutes

Distractions will come at you as you plan to manage your time well. They come straight at you, heavy and unrelenting. You have to learn how to identify and stop them if you want to make good use of your time. You have to learn to remove distractions.

Distractions could be from friends, family and even you. There will be good distractions that look pleasing and reasonable but are not pushing you forward.

For instance, you want to study your bible for the evening and a friend visits and asks that you both study for a test tomorrow.

It’s a good thing – studying for a test, but is it in your plan? No. You have to learn to remove distractions.
Rather than study or tell your friend you can’t study with him because of bible study, ask him to join you for bible study. After that, you can both study for the test.

Ensure you explain to him first what you are planning to do and if he agrees to wait or join you, fine. And if he refuses, well you can try to further explain to him. But you have to learn to remove distractions.

I’m sure he will agree. If he doesn’t, well, it’s not your fault, you just have to stick to your plan.

Remember, there’s a time for everything under the sun.

There is a powerful concept of time that you should know – time lost can never be recovered. It’s not a piece of paper that can be found or a missing person. It goes away and becomes history to you. So you have to learn to remove distractions.

Always put this thought before you as you do things. Ask yourself ‘What I am doing now, is it what I should be doing?’

May God grant you more insight about the concept of time. Amen.

Action plan:
Lord, give me the strength and wisdom to handle any distraction that comes my way. Teach me how to remove distractions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Action plan:
Stay firm in how you manage your time.

Read yesterday’s article here


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