Reading Time: 2 minutes

We have been looking at how to handle anger as a child. Anger has been looked at from different angles and the ways to respond to it.

As a child you will have feelings of anger up to when you become an adult. Even in adulthood you will still get angry with people and situations. Anger is common to all persons. The earlier you start learning how to handle this emotion, the better for you. As you mature into adulthood you would have learnt a lot about handling any anger issues.

To handle anger, you need the help of God. He alone has the power to help you deal with any anger issues. He can guide and lead you towards handling it well.

Read and study the bible for verses that talk on anger and how to handle it. Also read up stories of bible characters who had anger issues and show they handled it, either good or bad. You could read again about the times when God got angry in the bible.

Pray too and a lot if you find yourself with any anger issue. Prayer is like a personal time with God. And during this personal time , you don’t hide nothing from Him. You tell Him everything you feel, especially about your anger. It is in moments like this that you receive the strength to handle anger.

One last thought about anger – anger is not bad, it’s only what it makes you do, think or say that is bad. And anger that is left to stay for long can turn to hate and bitterness. You therefore must learn to handle anger.

May the Lord deliver you from every form of anger, hate and bitterness. Amen.

Lord, I ask for help for every form of anger I have; teach me how to handle it LORD. Let it not lead to hatred or bitterness. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Action point:
Look deep inside your heart, look for any anger that has turned to hatred or bitterness and ask God for forgiveness. After asking  for forgiveness, ask God to help you handle all your anger issues. Read and study your bible too.

Read yesterday’s article here


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