Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Fall In Love Again With Your Spouse. During the pandemic, it was recorded that in some places in China, there were more divorce cases than ever before.

Why was this? Husbands and wives were not used to being at home together. They were simply flat or roommates who just shared the house and essential commodities together.

The truth is that we may be used to our own space, being alone doing our own things, and being in control of our own time. It may first of all be awkward being home with the kids and your spouse, not just for a few hours but for weeks, so you have to learn to be very patient and determined to enjoy the time spent with your spouse.

When both spouses are at home with the kids, it is also a good time to bond well, so I am pointing out few ways to bond with your spouse and kids.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

1. Depending on what age your kids are, the younger ones will do well with playing around. Be creative and invent plays, do hide and seek, trust God for strength to roll on the carpet with them.

2. Cartoons are good. You can unwind with them watching and enjoying their world with them. Don’t let the cartoons be too much.

3. Do some intellectual talks and ask personal questions about their friends and special friends. Attend to their many questions.

4. Take time to teach your girls new dishes. For the boys, let them use their energy to help out in the house.

5. Play games with the whole family and it is the best time for drawing the quiet ones from their shell.

6. Be happy and content with what you have. Create fun out of what you have. Do a lot of teasing and rough plays. Never allow any member of the family to be moody

7. Be pleasant to your spouse and don’t do things that will spark up arguments.

8. Make sure you have sex as often as possible. This will keep the bond between you and your spouse. The tension will also reduce between the two of you.

9. Be very patient with your spouse as it may take some time for them to adjust to being with you. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you and teach you to meet your spouse’s needs.

10. Give attention to your spiritual bonding. Take time to play together and read your bible and have bible discussions together.

11. Ensure finances don’t cause you to get frustrated. I know it’s difficult but please try. Trust in God together for open heavens. Do a lot of cuddling and please help each other do house chores.

I hope these few tips will go a long way to help you bond well with your family.

God bless you family

I am a loving spouse.

Lord, teach me how to love my husband/wife well

Eph 1:18 [GW] Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.

Take time to bond

Eph 1


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