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This morning, I feel inspired to write about a particular demonic strategy, a deadly attitude being embraced by many. This attitude is from the pit of hell. It holds its victims by the jugular, suffocating them with obvious but subtle strangulation techniques and yet distracting them from what is killing them. The result then is that they refuse to accept something is wrong when it is obvious to all that they are on the path of destruction.

Let no man deceive himself. – 1Co 3:18a

I am talking about self-deception! You see, deception can come from different sources, but the greatest and deadliest form of deception is self-deception.

The demon behind self-deception works hand in hand with other demons especially mammon spirits and religious spirits. So you can see a person who says she wants to sleep around in order to get money, after all she goes to church and serves there with her time and money!

Hence, most people that are self-deceived can be found in the beautiful auditoriums of our churches today, in the choirs and on the pew.

Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. – Gal 6:7 AMP

It is only self-deception that will make a lady get involved in pre-marital affairs and then confidently sing in the choir the next day without blinking! You see such person is self-deceived, believing that her service to God will cover up for his or her ungodly life! It sounds incredible, but it is all over the place!

It is only self-deception that can make a man stand up from an adulterous bed and then go to church and condemn it from the pulpit!

It is self-deception that will make a man of God who has several branches under him and many looking up to him get involved with habitual adulterous life!

It is one thing to make a mistake, and anybody can fall, and people do fall. And God did make a provision to situations where people fall, to get them restored. But when it becomes habitual, I don’t really care how anointed the person is, there is an intertwining of self-deception demons and other demons oppressing that man!

He simply tells himself that God will overlook it since he is still having ‘result!

That is also a demonic strategy in itself, to make people develop a cold attitude to the things of God, to make them resent anything called pastors or church and thereby shutting them away from where they can get help. The result is that bondages and captivities are elongated and perpetuated!

To be continued…

I severe myself from all ungodly relationships in Jesus name.

I receive God’s help to be free in Jesus name. Lord, send help to me now in Jesus name
Joh 8:36 (AMP) So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.

Become accountable today to someone your respect and value a lot.

Est 1-5


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