It is the greatest miracle of all ages. After the miracle of resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is the next greatest mystery of all times.
The worshipped will live in the worshipper! The Trinity became domiciled in humanity! It’s unheard of, but that was what happened.
It is the believer’s greatest advantage which has been provided. It is the greatest synergy that will ever happen between the divine and the humane. This mortal body of ours will become an abode, a milieu to the Spirit, not just any spirit, but the Holy Spirit!
He is the helper. He is the interpreter of scriptures. He is our teacher. He brings understanding. He empowers us. He energizes us. He reveals. He explains. He dissolves puzzles of life. He demystifies enigmas!
2Co 4:7 KJV
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
He teaches us all things. He helps me to write fresh word on KHC devotional everyday, since 2010, without fail, with amazing testimonies of lives touched around the world.
He brings this devotionals to you and makes it applicable to you in a unique way. One write up daily, several lives blessed, shackles broken, sexual perversion destroyed! Help provided!
He helps you to decide. He helps you to identify the right persons and the wrong persons.
His name is the Holy Spirit! He lives in you. He propels you. He moves you!
He was the secret strength behind the exploits of the patriarchs and the prophet of old!
He was the secret behind the parted sea, the plagues unleashed on the Egyptians, the sun that stood still, the force behind the stone that felled Goliath, the exploits of Elijah and his protégé, Elisha and so many others too numerous to mention.
He was the secret behind Samson!
Jdg 13:25 KJV
And the Spirit of the LORD began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol.
As long as the Spirit of God moved Samson, his hands wrought unimaginable exploits. If you will be outstanding in this generation as a child of God, you should not joke with the Holy Spirit of God.
Jesus had to wait for Him to come before his ministry took shape and the miracles began. The apostles had to tarry for him to come and be endued with power from on high before their ministry exploded. But today, we don’t even have to tarry for him, we only need to receive him.
He helps us to resist sin. He helps us to say No to compromise. He brings light to darkened areas of our souls. His sweet voice is an elixir and a soothing balm in difficult and painful times. His peace enraptures and preserves us in the midst of storms.
You cannot do without him. That is why he has been provided. He makes Christianity exciting. He eliminates frustrations and helps to say “Abba Father!”
Samson took him for granted, and his destiny was terminated. It was that profound. You have been configured as a child of God to survive with His help. When you ignore him, you suffer for it.
It is not wise to ignore your maker. You will simply be ‘unmade’ like that! When he departed from King Saul, he transitioned from royalty to madness!
It is high time you get filled with the Holy Ghost. It is high time you tap into the vast reserve of divine and incredible power that is available for you as a child of God. It is high time you initiate a conscious and deliberate relationship with the Spirit of God.
Samson’s end came with one sobering statement! Don’t ever get to that spot in your life! Don’t ever dance in that forbidden zone! What is that statement?
Jdg 16:20 KJV
And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.
Sinful lifestyle, unrepentant attitude, taking God’s grace for granted, undisciplined life, and lack of self-control got Samson to this spot!
The Spirit of God has departed and he didn’t know! How many people are simply going through the motions, both in the laity and the clergy, in the pews and he pulpits, shaking themselves as before, but in reality, they are disenfranchised for the Holy Spirit because of sin, disobedience, and compromise.
Before the philistines lay their hands on you, while you are frolicking on Delilah’s laps, wake up and take charge of your destiny! If the philistines lay their hands on you, the first thing they are going for is your eyes, where the scriptures makes no more meaning and the conscience is seared!
Get back to a relationship with the Holy Spirit today. Stay away form sin and compromise, and let God begin a new thing in your life, relationship and marriage.
I pray for God’s help for you this day, this week in Jesus name!
I will not be disconnected from my Help provided in Jesus name
I pray for God’s wisdom in the area where help has been provided for in Jesus name
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:and he will shew you things to come. (John 16:13 KJV)
Write out your goals about your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
John 16
It’s soothing to know that the Holy Spirit is closer to me than I can even imagine…. Thank you father for this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit
What holy spirit does is numerous to count. I receive the holy Spirit.
This hit me hard this morning 🙏
May we not be disconnected from our help
May we not lose the essence of God’s presence
May our lives be pleasing to God in public and in secret
In Jesus name, Amen.