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SINGLES – How Can I Get A Prudent Wife?

Continued from yesterday…

Like Adam, have you been in that place where no help-meet has been found? Have you searched and prayed and fasted and yet nothing is forthcoming?

You see, you have to cease from your own strength! Your intellectual prowess cannot get a prudent wife from the Lord. Your nice manners and Queens English are irrelevant. The parameter of your cognitive abilities is not the issue here.

Adam successfully named every creature on earth, a display of uncommon spiritual and mental energy and prowess, and yet was frustrated at the end because he could not find a spouse!

Are you in that place like you are a graduate, but no helpmeet? You are rich and comfortable, but no helpmeet? You attend functions and join the church workforce and do a lot but no helpmeet? That was where Adam found himself.

What was God’s solution to the imbroglio?

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept…

Guys and ladies, you’ve got to “sleep” and allow God to lead you! Some of you have simply refused to sleep! The scripture said “and he slept,” so it was a choice. He could have said, “I am not sleeping, and just start jumping or jogging.

After you have done all you know to do, why not just sleep and abandon yourself in God’s arms and plans for your life? You have been too much awake and yet no result!

Just sleep and trust God to do it. When you sleep, you don’t wake up every two minutes to check your security. You just sleep. Go into a deep sleep and stop sampling ladies all over the place every Sunday! You don’t even listen to messages again in church!

By the time Adam woke up, God brought her to Adam! Ladies, don’t bring yourself, allow God to bring you! When God brings you or showcases you, it comes with a revelation or conviction to your husband-to-be. Don’t be suggestive. Don’t sound too available. Don’t take the lead. The man is the aggressor and the lady is the responder!

When you “sleep,” God will show you your spouse. He will bring her to you! You will see her and know! That was why, without God saying a word, Adam went into a frenzy of romantic prophecy and began to speak in tongues!

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Who told him? I wonder! But he had gone through the process of “sleeping” and allowed God to do it, so He woke up with conviction and with no doubt about who his wife was. He didn’t have to go to a mountain in Eden to pray again, He just knew because he had slept!

The next time you want to take things into your hands and step outside His will, remember to step back and got to “sleep!”

I pray for you this morning that this year, God will establish all that concerns your relationship/marriage and dissolve every puzzle in Jesus name!

By the Spirit of God, I am making wise decisions. I make the most of opportunities in my relationships.

Lord, I ask for an anointing of wisdom. Teach me to do the best and at the right time.

Lam 3:27 KJV It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.

Discern which season you are now and ask God for wisdom to maximize it.

Job 40-43


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