It is funny that after some years, we begin to despise our spouse and claim that they are no longer good or that they are the cause of our misfortune or that they have slowed us down. As this statement might be correct, it is not absolutely true.
As a couple, no one succeeds without the input of the other, no matter how little. One spouse may have the great strength and skills to go to the ‘battle’, but remember the one who stayed at home and made sure everything back at home is defended.
Once you are married, you are no longer two, but one flesh. If you feel because of the ignorance or disobedience of your partner you are experiencing some sort of delay, then you have to work together as a team. Defeat your enemy together.
You both have a common enemy, the enemy of your progress and advancement. The enemy that does not want you both to fulfill purpose and destiny.
Sometimes, you just need to accept your partner as they are on their way to becoming better. You have to love them to transformation.
We love our parents and accept them with all their weaknesses. We don’t try to change them or educate them. We just accept them and learn to deal with them with love.
We have to also deal with our spouse the same way. Just as our parents are our parents and we can’t change the fact that our parents gave us birth, so also we can’t change the fact that our spouse are our spouse. We married them and we are in a long lasting, never ending covenant.
Marriage is a covenant and should be lived as such.
The Bible tell us to submit to one another out of our reverence and respect for the Lord.
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. – Eph 5:19
We are only able to submit to one another when we know our spouse well enough. It is easier to submit to the one we know well enough. We not only know our spouse, but we understand their person and deal with them based on our knowledge of them.
May God grant us strength, courage and understanding to work together as a team in Jesus name.
God bless our marriage.
I have a good understanding of my spouse.
Pray that you and your spouse will be united the more.
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. – Eph 5:19
Start believing God together
Eph 5