Reading Time: 2 minutes

Good morning, married folk out there. God bless your marriage. God is committed until your marriage becomes all it has the potential to become.

Your marriage can work out beautifully well. You can enjoy and have that dream marriage you always desire. Don’t for once ever feel it can never happen.

If you believe it can never happen, gosh, you just announced it won’t happen. Don’t give up, but be willing and obedient to do and give your marriage all it takes to make it work.

You know married couples should begin to have this attitude of ‘my marriage is personal and I got to make it work’.

You know while growing up, my dad will always say this proverb, ‘ as you lay your bed, so you will lie on it’. Then, I would wonder, why is he worried about how I lay my bed?

I don’t have a care about how my bed is, once I hit the bed, I don’t have enough time to notice how it is, I just sleep.

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Later, I realized it’s not just about my physical bed, but it’s about life generally. Talking about our physical bed, it’s very good to learn to make our beds well and train our kids to do so too.

Someone said, laying your bed before leaving the house every morning gives you a sense of achievement. It may look small, but somewhere in your sub-conscious you feel good, you have at least a good, well laid bed…lol

For us married, the bed is also very important.

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Heb 13:4

My husband will jokingly say, the bed is the most important furniture to the couple. I want to agree with that.

The bed is the legalized furniture for love making. Of course not the only furniture, several others have joined in the quest for ‘orgasmic’ love making.

Now, talking about focusing on your marriage, you have to decide what you want your marriage to look like. No doubt there are a lot of factors that may want to stand against this but you have to stand your ground. Stand your ground to live a worthy legacy for your children and generation yet unborn.

How exactly do we focus on our marriage?

I will show us tomorrow.

God bless our marriage.

My marriage is blessed

Lord, teach me to embrace your love

Isa 49:16 (GW) I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are always in my presence.

Study the word focus

Matthew 1; Luke 2


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