Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marriage in itself does not have much power beyond the two people involved and their relationship with God. What makes the marriage covenant effective is the personal relationship that both spouses have with their God.

For example, a man that has the fear of God and is conscious of the covenant factor in marriage will not get involved in adulterous relationships. On the other hand, a man that has no respect for the covenant will not hesitate to dishonor the marriage covenant. So in effect, the marriage relationship or covenant is honorable to the extent that both spouses honor God in their lives.

This is why we keep telling you from time to time, you cannot just marry anybody! That somebody has hot legs or that a man has a car is not enough reason to marry that person! Even though marriage is a sacred institution that God Himself instituted, it is left for the couples or intending coupes involved not to trample on that which is sacred.

Here are a few things that marriage will not do for you.

1. Marriage will not change your personality

Marriage will not change your personality because marriage is not really a change agent. Change begins from within and not from without. That you now have a man or woman beside you and wedding rings on your fingers does not change anything about you, really.

Once you notice that you have some negative personality tendencies, start working on them right away, and don’t wait till you are married.

If you are a sanguine before marriage, you will simply become a married sanguine. For ladies, your surname changes but your personality remain the same until you consciously start working on yourself.

2. Marriage will not reduce the pressures you face

Marriage brings more pressure. It gets you busier. As a single, I had so much time to pray, especially long hours of praying in the Spirit. If I needed to pray for a long stretch of time now as a married man and a father, I have to disappear somewhere to do that.

You can be praying in your study, and you are so much lost in God’s glory, in fact, you are in the third heavens, with Shekinah glory all over you in your study, and then, your little boy or girl knocks furiously on the door saying, “Daddy, I want Biscuits!”

Trust me, you will need to come down from the third heavens back to the earth and hand that Biscuits to her so that she would not grow to hate your God that is taking Daddy away!

As single, you have all the time in the world now. Use it, because it will never get freer!

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, open my eyes to the realities of life.

Romans 14:17 [KJV]For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Pray for insight

Jer 15


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