Help for Abuse In Marriage – Part 2
We have established that a good number of children of God cope with one form of abuse in their relationships or marriages. This is not meant to be so. Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross for me and you to enjoy a blissful marriage. It is the devil that is the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
However, if we can labour in the word of God, attend to God’s word, give it the needed attention, meditate on it, and confess it just like Psalm 1 instruct, we will be like a well-watered garden in our relationships and marriage.
Psalm 1:2-3 ESV but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. [3] He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
God’s word promises us we will prosper in all that we do including in our relationships and marriages.
Whatever we see in the world, we can see it in our world.
So let’s delve into God’s word to see what He promises us. I have carefully written out confessions for every married person and for singles not enjoying bliss in their marriage and relationships.
These confessions are based on Ephesians 5:18-30
Father, I thank you because I am continually being filled with the Holy Spirit. I walk not according to the dictates of my flesh but according to the dictates and desires of the spirit. My thoughts are filled with godly thoughts. I have a merry heart, I am always singing and making melody in my heart onto God. I am always full of thanksgiving. I thank God for my spouse/ partner. I am grateful.
We are submissive to one another out of reverence for Christ.
As singles, take this confession, I thank you Lord for this relationship. As a lady, I give myself to learning how to eventually submit. I am gracious and I grow in my relationship with the Lord.
As a guy, I practice unconditional love. I learn from the Lord how He loved not in a selfish way but in a godly way. I don’t desecrate her body but respect her as a child of the most high God. We put God first in our relationship.
Father, I thank you because I am continually being filled with the Holy Spirit. I walk not according to the dictates of my flesh but according to the dictates and desires of the spirit. My thoughts are filled with Godly thoughts. I have a merry heart, I am always singing and making melody in my heart onto God. I am always full of thanksgiving. I thank God for my spouse/ partner. I am grateful.
As a wife, I submit myself to my husband just as I submit to the Lord. Having this understanding that just as Christ is the head of the church, my husband is my head. I submit to my husband in all things irrespective of how I feel. My submission is in obedience to God and He will defend me. I graciously make my opinion known to him but allow him to have the last say. I recognize that anything that has two heads is a monster. I am not afraid to submit to my husband but I trust God to work in him. I am a God-fearing wife. I take everything to God in prayer.
As a husband, I love my wife just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her. Just as Jesus was humble and died for the church so I am willing to die for my wife. I give up my rights as the head and become a servant leader. This I do to make my wife holy, better, smarter, blossom, and thrive, this I do by following the scriptures. I present her to myself radiant. Labouring in prayers for her to be a helpful meet indeed for me. I help to bring her to maturity by investing in her spiritually, mentally, and emotionally and exchanging her weakness for the strength that is in Christ.
As a husband, I love my wife as my own body because I recognize that when I love my wife, I am loving myself. I nourish and cherish my wife with love, attention, and affection. Jesus has shown me by example how to love my wife unconditionally. I leave my ideologies or the ways and methods I learned from my background and embrace the new ways Christ shows me.
Our marriages and relationships are blissful. Our lives are full of the Lord’s blessings because we give no place to strife. We deeply love ourselves and God is revealing to us new ways to submit and love ourselves so help us, God.
Be diligent in taking this confession and see the blessings thereof.
Imagine if you take this confession every day for the rest of this year.
God bless you

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