Reading Time: 2 minutes

Having identified that we were created in God’s image in our last post, and that we have a responsibility to keep our bodies holy for Him, we will look at some practical ways to glorifying God with your body.

1. Be clean at all times.
Keeping your body clean is the first part. Your outer body is what people see, and the condition of your skin, hair, or face tells them a lot of how clean or dirty you are.

Nobody wants to come near a dirty person. Or would you stand beside someone like that? I doubt that.

Children, endeavour to take your baths in the mornings before you leave the house, when you get back from school or after any activity that leaves you sweaty.

Activities like when you finish playing football or running with your friends.

When you allow sweat to stay long on your skin, it forms bacteria that could lead to some skin conditions like eczema and rashes.

More importantly, always use a sponge and soap and scrub your skin very well, but not too harshly as you don’t want to have some mild bruises all over your skin.

Also take care of any skin conditions with the right medication.

I will also mention this; brush your teeth in the morning, and at night before you sleep.

Comb or brush your hair before you leave the house. Cut it also when due.

For girls, pack your hair neatly with a hairband or visit a hairdresser to make it for you. Keep your hair well oiled and neat.

Clean and trim your nails when due.

Wash your clothes not only when they are dirty, but also when they smell of sweat.

Ensure that your clothes are clean and smell fine. Iron them or plead with your parents to help you do so.

By now, you must be asking…How does doing all these help me be holy before God?

Looking and smelling good attracts people to you. When they admire you, they are indirectly praising God over you. That is how God is worshipped! That is a way of glorifying God with your body.

Looking and smelling nice could also make people listen to you when you tell them about Jesus. And when they finally accept Christ into their lives, you have won a soul into God’s kingdom by your appearance. Do you see how you are worshipping God in your physical appearance?

We pray that God himself, the God of peace, will make you pure, belonging only to him. We pray that your whole self–spirit, soul, and body–will be kept safe and be without wrong when our Lord Jesus Christ comes.

1 Thess. 5:23, (ICB)

May God bless you always. Amen.

Lord, I want to maintain a clean body lifestyle in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action plan:
Look at your daily grooming routine. How good is it? Make plans to improve on it.

I will glorify God with my body.

Read yesterday’s article here


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