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Marriage like any other structure or organization can fall or fail. Ours will not fall in Jesus’ name.

It is amazing how people, CEOs, general overseers, managing directors put a lot of energy and structures into their businesses, organization, churches, and empires and care little about their marriages.

We think differently about our businesses and differently about our marriages. It won’t work that way. We should aim at putting as much effort, prayers, faith, learning, structures, principles that we put into other vocations into our marriages and things will work out better.

To get a different result, we should do things differently. We respect team work in our organizations, let’s do same in our marriages. We respect other people’s opinions, we are kind and nice to others, we value other people’s uniqueness, let’s do same with our spouses. We spend time, energy, money learning strategies and implementing new ways of doing things, let’s do so with our marriages too.

Here are five simple things that will help keep our marriages strong

1. Never neglect your spouse no matter what
Neglect could be in various dimensions. First seek what neglect is to your spouse. Be willing to adjust and avoid neglecting each other spiritually, emotionally and physically. Neglect will cause your love for each other to dwindle.

2. Never stop real communication
Communication is very important. In fact, the health of a marriage can be determined by their level of conversation, it’s quality and quantity.

Communication in marriage should not just be reduced to passing of important information and instruction. To keep communication going, there must be a lot of understanding.

Decide to have meaningful, heart to heart conversation with your spouse daily. It warms your heart to each other. Never be too busy. Sexual communication is also important.

3. Never take each other for granted
Taking each other for granted is similar to neglect but slightly different. When you take your spouse for granted, you treat them casually or with levity, or without much concern. Never be a one man gang that is always, only concerned about your own affairs.

4. Never harbor hurt or unforgiveness
When there is hurt or offenses, try and talk about it. Make your self easy to talk to and with. Some spouses have made themselves so defensive their spouse can’t express their real feelings to them. Hurts will cage your feelings and make your heartthrob grow cold towards you.

5. Never stop forgiving, praying and loving your spouse
No matter how rough or tough it may seem. Never stop forgiving your spouse. Never stop praying and trusting God for the best in your marriage.

God is able to bring His beautiful plans and purpose out of your marriage. He is able to make all things work out for your good. 

God bless your marriage.

My marriage will never fail

Lord, grant me wisdom I need in my marriage.

Col 3:18 – 19 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Pray for your spouse

Job 21 – 23


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