Reading Time: 2 minutes

We need to continually remind ourselves that life as married couples require a lot of hard work. We need to always make efforts to be whatever is needed in our marriage to be a better spouse

We must all be ready to make sacrifices. Selfishness cannot be tolerated in marriage. Never can superiority complex whether spiritual, financial, societal, intellectual and any form of superiority complex for that matter be tolerated.

Now that you are married, some attitudes must be knocked out of our lives.

Here are five things to never consider. They are no-go areas, all things being equal.

1.  Never make your spouse feel intimidated.

Some people are fond of intimidating their partners. They feel to lead, it has to be by force or by coarseness. It is a partnership, not a boss servant relationship. No one is superior or inferior. The husband is the head but that doesn’t mean he is superior.

2. Never cheat on your spouse

Infidelity comes at a high price. It usually costs so much when you are involved in extramarital. The cost of broken trust is very high you don’t want to meddle with it. No matter how much the temptation, it is not worth it.

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3. Never deny your spouse jeru trip

This goes for both husband and wife.  Denying your spouse also means not being patient enough and not doing enough foreplay for especially the wife to climax and enjoy it. Don’t deny your spouse the enjoyment God indented in Jerusalem trip. Explore different styles. Proper hygiene is also important. Be considerate of your partner and help out with the kids and some house chores if you must enjoy a pleasurable trip at night.

4. Never keep a secret from your spouse

Well, it is possible you keep certain sensitive issues from your spouse for better timing. But please no secrets. Don’t keep your past a secret from your spouse, no matter how terrible it is. Of cause, wisdom is necessary here.

Don’t keep friends you share secrets and keep secrets for each other.

5. Never shut your spouse up

If you continually shut your spouse, the day you need him/her to make an input or contribution on a matter, he/she will not have confidence. Accord every opinion, suggestion with respect. Learn to listen as there may be wisdom in it. After all, God gave you your spouse to make your lives together better.

God bless our marriage

I am naked and not ashamed with my spouse in all things.

Ask the Lord to teach you how to be a better spouse.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1Ti 2:1

Practice the above principles.

1Tim 2


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