Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is the concluding part of this series. I hope you have been following diligently. and you are taking note of what to do before love turns to shock.

So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving?  [2]  I should hope not! If we’ve left the country where sin is sovereign, how can we still live in our old house there? – Romans 6:1-2 (MSG)

The grace of God is to deliver you from sin, not to keep you safe in your sin!

9. Character Defects

When you see obvious character defects, don’t close your eyes to them especially when he or she says he will change later.

Marriage changes nobody. Anybody that tells you he or she will change later is deceiving you. What do you do when you see character defects? Seek help! Don’t keep quiet.

10. Take a Pause

If during courtship or after marriage, you suddenly discover you never knew who you were in the same boat with, here is what to do.

In courtship, take a pause on everything until you find a solution. For example, if the issue has to do with physical violence or physical abuse, don’t just keep quiet thinking that marriage will soften him.

Don’t walk down the aisle into that kind of marriage, or you might need to soon run up the aisle and out! If you are getting slaps in courtship, guess what will happen in marriage? In marriage, divorce is not the first option. Look for a Christian marriage counselor or marriage therapist for help.

11. Long-Distance Relationships

If you are in a distant relationship or some online dating, you need to know that you will not have a distant marriage and you will not live online.

The reality must dawn on you never to make life-involving decisions without knowing the person very well. It is wrong for you to fall in love with a stranger.

Something is not quite right with falling in love with an online profile or some voice-over-the-phone! Marriage is not a game! It is a covenant!

12. We are Projects

Finally, we are all projects in the making in the hands of God.

Nobody is perfect, but there are things that are unbecoming for a child of God. When you see some of these things, it is time to seek help, or if intense, run for your life!

I will not be in shock!

Lord, help me to trust you.

Romans 6:1-2 (MSG) So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving?  [2]  I should hope not! If we’ve left the country where sin is sovereign, how can we still live in our old house there?

Pray for insight, to prevent any kind of shock.

John 3


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