Confession For Your Marriage

Confession For Your Marriage

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This is to be taken together by the couple.

My marriage is blessed. My spouse and I are led by the Spirit of God. When we pray together in unity, our prayers are powerful and we get results. We make every effort to establish peace and harmony in our home. Together we walk in agreement and are an unstoppable force.

If we get angry, we are quick to forgive so that we do not have strife in our relationship. 

We are not self-seeking, rude, proud, boastful, or jealous. Instead, we are loving, kind, patient and we put each others needs before our own. We trust each other and protect the sanctity of our marriage. God joined us together as one, and we will not be separated.

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Romans 8:14, Matthew 18:19, I Peter 3:7, Mark 11:25, Romans 13:13, I Corinthians 13:4-8, Matthew 19:6


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Financial Breakthrough Confession and Prayer

Financial Breakthrough Confession and Prayer

Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask You for N/$______. I have this money in my heavenly account as a result of my seeds sown and I am withdrawing this amount now. 

I believe I receive N/$________. As in Mark 11:23-24, I believe it in my heart and confess now that it is mine in the Name of Jesus. I declare that I have N/$______ according to Matthew 18:19. 

From this day forward, I roll the care of this over on You and thank You for it.
“Satan, in the Name of Jesus, I take authority over you; I bind your operation now and render you helpless. Because I am a tither, you have no access to my finances.

“Ministering spirits, I charge you to go forth and cause this amount to come to me through the works of my hands and through God’s favour according to Hebrews 1:14. Father, I praise Your Name for meeting my needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus and for multiplying my seed for sowing, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”


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Daily Confessions For Husbands

Daily Confessions For Husbands

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Lord, I thank you for my wife and the mother of my children. I thank you for giving me such a great woman as my wife.

Lord, I declare that I am taught how to live considerably with my wife, I have intelligent recognition of the marriage relationship, I honour my wife as physically the weaker, and so I will never raise my hands against her.

I declare my prayers are answered because I treat my wife gently and appropriately.

I am faithful to my wife and she will continually make me happy. I am delighted with my wife’s body and I am excited at her appearance.

I love my wife and I value her contribution as a help-meet in my life. My wife is a virtuous woman and I greatly delight in her.

My wife is a spring of water and a fresh flowing fountain for me. My wife is lovely as an angel and beautiful as a rose. I will keep taking delight in her body and I will not take her love for granted.

I honour my wife and I will always protect her. I will listen to her and will not shut her up or mute her.

We are enamoured by God’s power and our union is blessed. Our family is favoured and it is well with us every day of our lives.

We are of the same mind, united in spirit, sympathizing with one another, and loving one another.

I will not scold, tongue lash or berate my spouse but rather I will bless and pray for our welfare, joy, and protection every day. I forgive easily and I declare our family blessed in Jesus name!


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Daily Confessions For Wives

Daily Confessions For Wives

Reading Time: < 1 minute

My father, I thank you for the man you have given unto me as my husband and my crown. 

I am submissive to my husband, I adapt myself and I defer to him as the head of the family, just like Jesus is the head of the church. I have reverence for my husband; I respect him, defer to him, revere him, and honour him. I esteem my husband; I appreciate, prize and adore him.

Lord, teach me daily to deeply love my husband. I will not be distracted by negative influences.

I cultivate inner beauty; I am kind and gracious. I am good and loyal to my husband. I will not be a hindrance to our destiny, but a help-meet suitable for my husband.

I respect my husband and I allow him to have the last say. Our family is covered by the blood of Jesus.

I declare that I am a homemaker and a home builder. I receive the grace to function in that which God has called me to as a wife to my husband and a mother to my children. I am not overwhelmed, confused or depressed.

I have the joy of the Lord at all times. I am not frustrated and disorganized. I am strengthened in God and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

We are of the same mind, united in spirit, sympathizing with one another, and loving one another.

I will not scold, tongue lash, or berate my spouse but rather I will bless and pray for our welfare, joy, and protection every day. I forgive easily and I declare our family blessed in Jesus name!


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KHC Confession For Singles

KHC Confession For Singles

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I am sanctified,

I belong to Kisses and Huggs Club,

I belong to God’s kingdom, I am a member of the unshakable kingdom. I am unshaken, undaunted, and undismayed. in the face of contradictions. I will not compromise, I am satisfied with God, I am gratified with Jesus,

I am sanctified by the Holy Spirit. I am decided for Jesus and my mind is made up, It is settled, there is no going back, No turning back, no retroversion, and no retrogression!

I am sanctified,

There is no doubt. My past might have been a mess, But it is now a message. I might have been abused, But I was not reduced. I might have compromised, But I am now consecrated, The flood came against me, But the blood also came for me. Jesus grabbed my arch-enemy at the jugular, I can now breathe freely.

I am Sanctified,

I put God’s word first place in my life,

I read my Bible daily and I live by the words therein, I live by the Holy Spirit, I walk in the Spirit daily, Meditation of God’s word is my habit, I relish in God’s word, and I value His word.

I honour His word, I eat His word, I speak His word, I think His word, I breathe His word. Jesus is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my guide, and He is my peace. He is my joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life.

I am sanctified,

I raise God’s standard in this generation,

I am focused; I am not distracted, deflected, or perturbed. I am not flurried and I am not disconcerted, Depression is not my portion, I will not disappoint God, I will not let Him down. By the Spirit of God, I am strengthened and toughened.

By the Spirit of God, I am energized and stimulated, By the Spirit of God, I am blessed and favoured. By the Spirit of God, I am fortified and stabilized, By the Spirit of God, I am protected and defended, By the Spirit of God, I am intelligent and level-headed.

I am sanctified,

The power of hell is broken.

Its arsenal is bankrupted. Every negative power is subdued. I conquer every opposition,

I defeat every enemy. My mind is blessed, renewed, and refreshed, Every soul tie is severed and broken. All wrong bondings are disbanded and dissolved, I have the mind of Christ, and Lust loses its power over me. I am an overcomer, a subduer, and a surmounter, I am victorious, prosperous, and productive

I am sanctified,

I am not afraid to say No. According to God’s word, I say No. In the name of Jesus, I say No.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, I say No to all forms of sexual perversions!

I am sanctified,

I stand for God, I raise the banner. I am committed to the vision of Kisses and Huggs, I am sold out to its vision, I am aggressively committed, My NO is strong, I live for God,

My victory is certain, My family is established, Favour is my portion. He has signed with His blood, I have also signed with my service and obedience, All glory to His name. I am blessed today, my result is sure, My testimony is secured, and my life is surrounded.

Favour surrounds me today, Joy wells up in me, His word is my light, and his grace upon me. Blessed be His holy name!

I am sanctified!

I am satisfied! It is ratified! And GOD is glorified!


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