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Blunt Truths About Intimacy Part 2 

Blunt truths about Intimacy are snippets culled from Kisses and Huggs Club Devotionals over the years. Today we continue from where we left off yesterday.

19. Ladies put up some electric fence around your bodies – a no-go zone to everybody except your husband

20. Ladies, you are not philanthropists. Stop donating your body to lustful escapades that will culminate in regret

21. There is a subtle dual operation of mammon spirit and perversion spirit you must violently resist in your life

22.. God created you in His image, not as an NGO. Stop all charitable acts of sex. Live with dignity and stay with your spouse

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23. You just met two hours ago. Now you are locked up in a sexual encounter. What a generation! Something is not quite right.

24. Intimacy is not for “settling” quarrels as singles. Verbal communication should not be replaced with sexual intimacy.

25. When you mess up, God wants you to own up and repent. Don’t be like Adam who offered God an excuse. Being truthful to God about your mistake engenders His mercy! 

26. Now this is strange, when you ask God for forgiveness genuinely, He forgives and forgets! Total amnesia!

27. When you go back to ask for forgiveness again, He is wondering when that happened, because He already forgot!


28. To all women that the crowd wants to stone, Jesus tells them, I don’t condemn you! Go and sin no more!

 29. Can these bones live? Too far gone into a myriad of sexual perversion & yet God brings you back into His righteousness! The driest of bones can live again!

30. Her price is far above rubies… she would not sell her body or give in to sexual compromise because of some amount of money

31. A virtuous woman protects her husband by satisfying him always sexually. She does not defraud him.

32. A lady pays the price for sexual sanctity by saying No to pre-marital or adulterous sex

33. When you respect your body, others would have no choice but also to respect your body.


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