Secret Desires of Ladies

Secret Desires of Ladies

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Secret Desires of Ladies

What do ladies really want? Let’s take a look at some of them.

  1. The Romantic Rituals:

Every lady dreams of her man being a smooth operator, a Casanova exclusive to her alone! But let’s face it, most guys unleash their inner Romeo only until the wedding bells ring. After that, the ‘romance’ button goes on a permanent vacation, leaving ladies wondering if it ever existed. Prayer and speaking in tongues are great, and yes, well needed, but a well-timed compliment can work wonders too!Speak in tongues and speak in love too!

2. The Defender Dilemma:

What’s the point of having a knight in shining armor if he abandons his post when things get dicey? Remember, defending your lady doesn’t mean challenging her to a duel. Avoid public condemnations and stranger alliances. You’re her superhero, not a sidekick with questionable loyalties. She expects you to be loyal, within and without!

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3. In-Law Intervention:

Dealing with in-laws can be trickier than juggling flaming torches. If your folks are on the difficult side, shield your beloved from unnecessary drama. Don’t let her play the role of a wife before her time. After all, navigating family dynamics requires finesse, not a battlefield strategy. Even after, wedding, you have to continue fending her. If you don’t, she can easily become the “errand girl” for the extended family during family meetings or functions.

4. PDA (Public Display of Affection):

Your fiancée wants a bit of romance on display, not a choreographed parade where she always takes the lead. Hold hands, share a laugh; always. Walk with her. Hold her hands. It won’t lead into sin out there. It is what you do in the dark and behind closed doors as singles that lead to sin.

5. Humor Harmony:

Laughter is the key to a lady’s heart, and no, that doesn’t mean you need to moonlight as a stand-up comedian. Be the guy who adds spice to life, not the one who turns every moment into a dreary episode of horror. Remember, being a source of joy is way better than being a source of confusion!

Let her get some hearty laughter from you and not from Basket Mouth and Bovi all the time!

Don’t become a source of depression. The moment you are around, despondency descends. Nah!

The joy of the Lord is your strength.

Stay joyful. Stay positive.

May God grant more understanding


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Six Things I Expect From My Wife

Six Things I Expect From My Wife

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Six Things I Expect From My Wife

Here are six things I expect from my wife.

This will give ladies an idea of what men want from them

1. I expect my wife to respect me 

We all know that respect is the greatest need of a man. Every wife should strive to honor and respect her husband.

This will go a long way to make your husband honor you as well because you always reap what you sow.

2. I expect my wife to support and encourage my ministry/career

My wife should be my greatest and Number one fan of course!

As a wife, you should support, encourage, and strengthen your husband to to go forth and fulfill destiny and purpose.

Whether he’s conquering the corporate world or preaching to the masses, you’re the loudest cheerleader in the room.

3. I expect my wife to pray for me always and be my greatest intercessor
Women are powerful prayers.

The genuine prayers of a happy wife will advance your life in no small measure.

Wives, pray for your husband!

Be the intercessor ninja he never knew he needed. Your prayers are like a magic potion, brewing success and happiness.

4. I expect my wife to be homely, caring, and loving
A woman who is not homely shows no care, and detests cooking will be a constant source of frustration to the husband.

There is something in women that makes caring natural with them 

Forget about runway models; your catwalk is from the kitchen to the bedroom. Serve love, not just dinner!

5. I expect my wife to look beautiful always 

All men are moved by sight including me!

So, I expect my wife to look good always.
Women, do not get careless with your appearance and your looks. 

Look your best all the time!

All men are moved by sight, so keep that dazzling smile and killer outfit game on point. You never know when the paparazzi (aka your husband) might strike!

6. I expect my wife to keep the bedroom hot 

 Sexual satisfaction is paramount to any marriage that will not collapse.

Wives, do not get careless in this area.

It is an obligation! 

Never use sex as a reward or punishment.

1Co 7:5 (AMP)  

Do not refuse and deprive and defraud each other [ of your due marital rights ], except perhaps by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves unhindered to prayer. But afterwards resume marital relations, lest Satan tempt you [ to sin ] through your lack of restraint of sexual desire.

I will stop here this morning!


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More Symptoms of Relationship Immaturity

More Symptoms of Relationship Immaturity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More Symptoms of Relationship Immaturity

Yesterday I started on this topic and looked at five symptoms of immaturity in your relationship. I will conclude this morning with the remaining five.

Immaturity, though not inherently sinful, serves as a breeding ground for destructive behaviors within the realm of relationships. Our journey takes us through the subtle intricacies that hinder personal growth and consequently erode the foundation of meaningful connections.

Hebrews 12:1 guides us on this expedition: “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” It’s a call to shed the burdens of immaturity, run the race of growth with endurance.

The Greatest Pitfall: Selfishness

At the heart of immaturity lies selfishness. Relationships thrive on love’s sacrificial essence. An immature connection, clouded by self-centeredness, is destined for turbulence.

1 Corinthians 13:4-6 beautifully outlines the attributes of love, emphasizing its patience, kindness, and aversion to self-aggrandizement. A relationship devoid of these qualities is a ship sailing against the winds of maturity.

More Symptoms of Immaturity:

  1. Neglecting God and His Principles
    The essence of a relationship is deeply intertwined with divine principles. Failing to prioritize God in the union reflects a lack of maturity. God’s principles are the bedrock, providing stability to the intricate dance of companionship.

    Picture this: God, the relationship superhero, swooping in with a cape made of divine principles. Neglecting that? Well, it’s like trying to fight crime without your superhero suit.
  2. Deceit in the Relationship
    Lies, deceit, and double standards are the hallmarks of immaturity. Sincerity and transparency, on the other hand, signify emotional maturity, paving the way for a relationship rooted in truth.
  3. Financial Instability
    True financial stability extends beyond material possessions. It’s about self-sufficiency, the ability to meet one’s needs without dependency. A mature partner is not meant to be a financial crutch; instead, both contribute to the relationship’s prosperity.
  4. Low Self-Esteem
    A mature individual understands their worth, deriving it from an unwavering self-esteem. Insecurity and seeking external approval are hallmarks of immaturity, capable of wreaking havoc and compromising one’s integrity.
  5. Abusive Behavior
    Any form of abuse, whether verbal, emotional, or physical, is a glaring symptom of immaturity. Relationships are mutual, complementary endeavors where superiority has no place. Abuse dismantles the foundation of shared strength and understanding. Say no to abuse; it’s not in the script!

Shedding the garments of immaturity requires introspection, commitment to growth, and adherence to divine principles. May the journey towards emotional maturity be one guided by self-awareness, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of true love.


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Five  Symptoms Of Immaturity In Relationships

Five  Symptoms Of Immaturity In Relationships

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Five  Symptoms Of Immaturity In Relationships

Maturity plays a pivotal role in steering relationships toward fulfillment and longevity. Let’s dissect five signs that may indicate an unsettling level of immaturity within the realm of lovers.

  1. You beg to be loved and accepted
    Relationships should be a union of equals, not a theatrical plea for validation. The incessant need for external affirmation suggests a void that can’t be filled by external sources. True maturity stems from self-assurance, recognizing that love is not a currency to be begged for but a shared, reciprocal endeavor. You’re not auditioning for a role; you’re co-starring in this blockbuster called Love. Embrace your uniqueness!
  2. You threaten to leave the relationship if and when you don’t have your way
    Emotional blackmail has no place in a mature relationship. The willingness to walk away as a power play reveals an absence of mutual respect and a failure to comprehend the essence of partnership. Healthy relationships thrive on compromise, communication, and a shared commitment to growth. Sweetheart, we left the ‘I’ll take my toys and go home’ tactic back in preschool.
  3. You cry at every issue
    Tears are a potent emotional expression, yet when deployed excessively, they may mask a deficiency in communication skills. Mature partners rely on articulate conversations to navigate challenges, fostering an environment where emotional expression doesn’t drown out the significance of rational dialogue. Emotional maturity means using words before the waterworks. Save the tears for a movie night.
  4. As a guy, you beat your fiancée
    Physical aggression is the antithesis of a mature relationship. The only thing you should be lifting is your partner’s spirits, not your fists. It signifies an alarming lack of emotional intelligence and a failure to comprehend the sanctity of a partnership. Real men safeguard their loved ones emotionally, recognizing that love and violence exist in diametrically opposed realms. Real men know that love and violence should never share the same space. Put down those boxing gloves, pick up some emotional intelligence
  5. You tell your friends everything happening in your relationship
    Your relationship is not a live broadcast. Your friends don’t need a minute-by-minute commentary. Keep it personal, not public. Privacy is the bedrock of mature relationships. Broadcasting intimate details to an external audience reflects a lack of discernment and an unwitting invitation for unwarranted influences. A couple attuned to the nuances of emotional maturity understands the sacred nature of their connection.

In essence, identifying and rectifying these signs is not just a personal responsibility but a collective commitment to nurturing a relationship that stands the test of time. Maturity isn’t a destination; it’s a continuous journey, and in the realm of relationships, the path to maturity is the only one worth traversing.

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Concerning Every Man and Every Husband 

Concerning Every Man and Every Husband 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Concerning Every Man and Every Husband 

1. Family is Key
The family, is more critical than your morning coffee! Forget about your career, work, and even those church runs. Seriously, your family is the real deal. If you’re the man of the house, don’t let anything interrupt your home life. Remember, a peaceful home pays better dividends than Bitcoin.

Because, you know, most prisoners are the offspring of absentee fathers. Who knew skipping family time was a crash course in “How to End Up in Jail 101” Prioritize your family!

2. Let Your Kids Witness Your Epic Love Story
The most damaging thing to a kid’s emotions? Watching Dad turn into a WWE wrestler with Mom as the unsuspecting opponent. Let’s avoid emotionally scarred kids, shall we? Show your children the real power of love, God-style. If you love and respect your wife, your kids won’t need therapy. Simple, right?
Because, in the chaotic sitcom of life, modeling God’s love is the core responsibility of every sitcom dad.

3. Insist on Home Peace – No Shouting Allowed
As a husband, forget screaming.. If you don’t, you’ll end up with kids who think shouting is an Olympic sport. Do you want that on your conscience? Avoid quarrelsome arguments; they’re not Christ-like, and your kids won’t thank you in their acceptance speeches.

4. Daddy’s Domestic Boot-camp
Dads, don’t let your kids escape into the virtual world via gadgets while Mom runs a marathon in the kitchen. It’s time for Daddy’s Responsibility Bootcamp. Teach those responsibilities early on, or your little ones might grow up thinking cooking is a special skill reserved for cooking show contestants.
Because, seriously, it’s not a good family-safe idea for your kids to be on Facebook while the kitchen’s on fire.

5. Dinner – Bringing Families Closer
Eat together as a family. It’s not just a meal; it’s a bonding session. Picture this: forks clinking, laughter echoing, and everyone arguing over who gets the last chink of meat. It’s like a sitcom episode, but real. Eating together brings you closer, enhances togetherness, and improves your chances of winning the “Best Family” award.

And with that, my friends, I’ll stop here today. Have a great day!

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