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Now that you are married, all your attempt should be to make your marriage worthwhile. You want the singles out there to look at your marriage as what they will love their marriage to like. Your marriage should be an inspiration and a model to both married and the singles.

When I mean deepening your relationship, I don’t mean reading your bible for more hours, going to church for more hours, and certainly not screaming in tongues all over the house. I also don’t mean being in more activities in church, going for evangelism and being more active in church.

Even though all these are good in themselves, they don’t show you have a deep relationship with God. Deepening your relationship with God has to do with having conversations with God that are honest, sincere and vulnerable. You could be doing all the motions and not have a real relationship with the Father.

These heartfelt communications with God is a heart to heart thing, where despite God knowing you through and through, you tell him who you really are. You tell him where it really hurts, you tell him how desperately you need him, how you will fall flat on your face if He does show up. This is bearing yourself before Him openly without hiding anything. Naked and not being ashamed

It is like when you see your life like a big house with several rooms and you open up all the rooms for God to be involved and come in. When you don’t treat God like a guest who is only allowed into the sitting room, don’t get official with God.

God wants to be our God and Father who want to be involved in our everyday activities. David knew God. He knew him as Shepherd, as a high tower, a rock, a defender etc He had a deeper relationship with God than most people.

Having this relationship with God is very important because this relationship will help you in relating better with your spouse. You would be used to open communication and conversations with your spouse. You learn to appreciate your spouse, to be vulnerable with them, develop intimacy and express gratitude for every little thing they do.  There will be no hidden secrets kept from your spouse. You won’t hide your deepest feelings. You will say it as you are thinking about it.

I am deepening my relationship with God

Ask for the grace to stay with the word

Josh 1:8[NET]This law scroll must not leave your lips! You must memorize it day and night so you can carefully obey all that is written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.

Decide to obey God’s word

Josh 1


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