Reading Time: 2 minutes


All married couples should be aware of what marriage is before they venture into getting married.

Marriage is not the next step to be taken after you are twenty-four, you have finished your Youth service, you have a good-paying job, you have a good apartment, you are good looking and to crown it all, you have a car.

Marriage is not just to fulfill a social or religious obligation nor is it just to fulfill the procreation commandment in scripture. Marriage is more than all these.

It is high time we begin to view marriage with the eyes of God who created marriage. There is a truth in the heart of God about marriage. Marriage is first of all Spiritual before it is physical, natural, and then societal.

Marriage is a mystery that cannot be explained mentally. It is a representation of the Trinity here on earth. That is, how the Godhead is in heaven, marriage is that on earth.

It is really a mystery that can only be lived according to God’s instructions. It is almost impossible to adequately live a successful marital life without following God.

Two different individuals, born and brought up by two different parents, in two different locations with different experiences, different opinions and outlooks to life, different temperaments and just living their lives with differences so parallel to each other. It is a mystery to have these two people joined together to become one flesh. It is almost impossible.

It takes a revelation and a spiritual understanding of what the marriage relationship is all about. Both parties must be meek and humble enough to learn and ask from God how to go about living this mystery.

Without these revelations and understanding, the marriage relationship will be a mirage. This revelation is progressive in nature. The husband and the wife need to be everyday students in the institution of marriage.

Until a class or lesson is passed, there is no promotion to the next class. It is this promotion that marks our progress in life. Once we devote ourselves to being committed to learning from the mysterious institute of marriage, then we begin to enjoy the benefits.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Mat 6:33 (KJV)

As we seek God’s kingdom to be established here on earth in our marriages, only then can we begin to see every other thing added to us.  We have to aim at doing it in God’s way because that is the only way.

I pray God will enlighten our understanding of the mystery of marriage.

God bless your marriage.

I understand the  mystery of marriage

Lord, help me to understand the mystery of marriage.

Mat 6:33 (KJV)But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Study the word ‘one flesh’

Matt 6


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