Three Things Women Want In Their Husbands. One of the first commandments of marriage is ‘selflessness’. You will find happiness if you make your spouse’s happiness your priority. Husbands, if you truly love your wife, you will want to meet her needs.
Women have many needs but in today’s devotional, I will write about three of those needs.
Three Things Women Want In Their Husbands
1. Affection
The Webster dictionary defines affection as “a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something : tender attachment : fondness”
Women love it when their husbands are fond of them. Husbands can show affection to their wives in a number of ways. The baseline is whatever you do in loving your wife, be thoughtful of her. Like her person and genuinely care for her and about her.
Let her know you are proud of being her husband. That you are proud of her, you genuinely value her contributions and opinions in your life.
Tender touches also show your affection towards her, public displays of affection (PDA), like holding her hands, smiling, and looking into her eyes are some other displays of fondness.
2. Meaningful Conversations
Women love talking. Even for the introversive ones, she will still long to express herself by having meaningful conversations with her husband.
Meaningful conversations like what her desires are, her aspirations, her opinions, and her vulnerability are all that make for meaningful conversations for her. It’s important for a wife to be vulnerable to her husband.
It is a turn-off to conversations when the husband does not listen to understand his wife, and they can’t have a mature conversation.
Couples will always be different and so will have different opinions.
When husbands tune off, wives often feel they don’t care. Strong relationships are built on deep and meaningful conversations and real communication.
So if your wife says she wants to talk, switch off the TV, put your phone aside and give her your undivided attention.
3. Family Commitment
Women need to feel secured. One of the ways she feels secured is when the wife knows that her husband is committed to her and her children completely.
Be Committed to your family by putting them first place in your thoughts, and decisions and being considerate of their welfare and happiness.
Let your wife see how important your family is to you. Love your children and be committed to them
Whether your marriage is on the rocks or strong as nails, it will absolutely benefit from examining these needs and applying them to your marriage. Always strive to give your spouse the very best of yourself.
Your marriage will thrive! There are the Three Things Women Want In Their Husbands
I love my wife. I am affectionate towards her. I meet her needs for meaningful conversations and I am committed to our family.
Let the love of God be shed abroad in my heart towards my wife
In any case, as for you individually, each one of you should love his wife as himself, and wives should respect their husbands. Ephesians 5:33 CEB
Be affectionate and love your wife genuinely. Be committed to your family and have meaning conversions with your wife
Ephesians 5
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