Reading Time: < 1 minute

Do you know that the Lord meets your needs? There are several verses one can recite offhand. One of it is the shepherds psalm.

Every child is taught right from Sunday school days. It is so easy to memorize.

The LORD [is] my shepherd; I shall not want – Psa 23:1

The Lord is…it didn’t say the Lord was…

This assures us that God is very ready to meet out immediate needs.

God is a God of the now, one that can relate with you based on what you are going through at every point in time.

Here is another verse to confirm that;

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalms 46:1

There you have it again. God is… Isn’t it wonderful to know this God?

Children, it is not enough to be able to recite this verse or several others verses offhand, you must allow the revelation of these verses to hit you and stick with you.

That way, when faced with any form of trial, you have what it takes to stand tall, even in the midst of contradictions.

May God grant you more understanding. Amen.

Lord, always help me to trust you at all times.

Action point:
List out your needs and begin to declare God’s word over them.

The needs and wants of my children are met supernaturally.

Read yesterday’s article here


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