Reading Time: < 1 minute

Responsibility is a great virtue. A responsible child at home will not only bring joy to the hearts of her parents but also society. There are things you do at home that speak a lot about how responsible or irresponsible you are. Irresponsibility is the opposite of responsibility.

One of such is helping around the house. 

Do you know what your chores are at home? Do you have to be told before you do them? How often are you asked to carry out tasks or chores around the house before you do?

Do you frown and drag your feet sluggishly? Do you give excuses as to why you shouldn’t or couldn’t your chores?

How you answer the questions above tells a lot about you.

When you learn how to not avoid your responsibilities at a young age, you become a responsible adult. And a responsible adult is of great benefit to society and the world.

May God give you a heart of responsibility. Amen

God, please help me to do my chores at home.

Action point:
Start doing that chore you have refused to do.

I am responsible. I will not neglect helping out at home.

Read yesterday’s article here


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