Reading Time: 2 minutes

We started out discussing this topic yesterday – on the ways we can take care of our parents. We will continue in that light today. Dear child, you have to understand that your parents are the guardians God has appointed over you, here on Earth. They are responsible for you and will give an account of their guardianship over you to God.

Help make their work easy by obeying them. Their actions are meant for your safety – physically, mentally, academically, and spiritually. They are working hard at giving you the life that God wants for you. That is what they are doing! They are not there to do you evil. Your parents do care for you and are making efforts to take care of you

Therefore, do not jeopardize the efforts of your parents and your future by not listening and following their instructions. See what the Bible says in the book of Proverbs:

Prov.4:20 ” my child, listen carefully to everything I say.”

By following the rules and instructions, you will grow into a humble and loving person. These rules and instructions, also, will help you discover, develop, and put to maximum use your God-given talents and potentials.

Your parents were put in your life for a reason – to teach you all about God and why He created you. God didn’t make a mistake by giving you to them.

Help them give a good account of you to God.

God bless you. Amen.

Pray for your parents: Lord, I declare I’m a good child. I make training easy for my parents. I want them to give a good account of me to you, Jesus name. Amen.

Action point:
Be conscious of your actions towards your parents.

My children are supportive. They love, value, and appreciate every work I do.

Read yesterday’s article here


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