Twinkle Little Stars, How I Wonder Where God Is?

Twinkle Little Stars, How I Wonder Where God Is?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Twinkle Little Stars, How I Wonder Where God Is? I attended Sanni Luba Nursery and Primary School. I can still remember our school Bus picking me up every morning, back in the seventies. The last four seats at the back of the Bus were a no-go area for us, we have been seriously warned by the grandma who accompanied the driver to pick students up. Why? There was a hole/opening on the floor of that bus at the back, and you could literally see the road beneath the bus and it sped off on the road. I remember taking a look at that hole and wondering as a four-year-old what would happen if somebody jumped inside the hole while the bus was speeding!

My little mind simply imagined that if I jumped inside, I would cry and then they will quickly pick me up. I imagined that every day while summoning courage to do it one day! Thank God there was no opportunity to try that. The grandma sat just before the hole in the bus, preventing any adventurous kid from experimenting.

Twinkle Little Stars, How I Wonder Where God Is?

One of the foremost lullabies we learned in school is Twinkle twinkle little star by Jane Taylor.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are

To many of us, God is like the twinkle, twinkle little star. We take a look at our situation and we simply wondered if God existed.

Up above the sky so high, I know you are there, but then I wonder who you are to me! We are not exactly mouthing this song, but our thought seems to be recapping the song in our hearts when we survey our situation.

How can God be there, and I am still single? As if singleness is a disease o! How can God be there and my spouse is treating me like this? Where is my spouse? Where is God? Where is my financial breakthrough? Where is God? Where is my admission to that school? Where is God? When will my wedding take place? Where is God?

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Twinkle Little Stars, How I Wonder Where God Is?

Oh God, I really want to know you. Show yourself to me in my situation. Touch me, heal me, strengthen me, mend my broken heart, let me just know you are with me!

Well, if we are looking for God to show up in our situation, we don’t need to look too far away. Jesus Christ said, if you see me, you have seen God!

In other words, God is no longer like the mysterious twinkle, twinkle little star, He is no longer far away, He has shown Himself to us in the person of Jesus. Jesus is God personified. 

Then, the next question of course is, where is Jesus Christ? He lived on earth about 2000 years ago, he was crucified, resurrected on the third day, and went back to heaven!

Back to square one! Jesus is as far away as God Himself! How do you beat that?

But we know Jesus is the Word! The Word is Jesus.  How far away is Jesus? He is as far as His word. How far away is His word? It is as far as my heart and my mouth!

“But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;”  (Rom 10:8, KJV)

In a more pragmatic sense, I only need to locate Jesus by locating His word, and boom, I have God with me!

The word of God read regularly is like interfacing with divinity. It is knowing the mind of God for your relationship or marriage.

That word will give you wisdom. That word will give you direction. That word will fortify you and shield you. That word will keep you in the right direction. That word will keep you away from evil men and froward men who speak frowardly. That word will keep you safe from strange women who flatter with their mouths. That word will keep your relationship. That word will preserve your marriage.

Never be far from it. Let it be your companion. Let it be in your heart and then it will be in your mouth.

Twinkle Little Stars, How I Wonder Where God Is?

Your husband is in the word. Your wife is in the word. That which you are looking for lies in the word. That great marriage is right in the word. Your job is in the word. Your visa is in the word. Your breakthrough is in the word. Your healing is in the word. Your promotion is in the word. 

Hold on to it. Embrace it. Bind it around your neck. Incline your ears unto it. Put it in your heart and fence it around. It will take you up, it will promote you, it will change that situation.

If I were you, I will dive into that word, like a desperate fisherman looking for some big fish, and I will search and search, seek and ponder, mediate and cogitate until I come up with a bounty that will translate to joy unspeakable in my situation! Good morning!


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