Enforcing Your Healing In God

Enforcing Your Healing In God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Enforcing your healing. Have you ever come across these words in the bible? Or heard someone say them? What comes to your mind when you hear them say it?

The prophet Isaiah was speaking about the coming of a Messiah who would come to save the whole world from the consequences of sin and lead everyone to heaven. He said the things that would happen to this messiah. Read below.

But he was wounded for the wrong things we did. He was crushed for the evil  things we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him. And we are healed because of his wounds.

Isaiah 53:5 ICB.

He was talking about Jesus Christ and what would happen to him. Imagine that. Even before he was born, what his death would do for you was prophesied long ago.

Look at the last sentence in the verse, “…And we are healed by his wounds.”  This means that for every wound Jesus received, He did so on your behalf. Instead of having you receive the consequences of your sins, Jesus took them upon His back.

He also made sure that you get healed from physical health challenges through His wounds. He already took them all on Him. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take your drugs or follow any doctors’ orders. It means that you should believe that Jesus has already bought your healing for you centuries before you were born. So enforcing your healing in Christ is your right.

When next you have a health challenge, say “by His wounds I am healed” because that’s true. And feel the healing power of Christ come upon you as you use your drugs too.

God bless you. By the wounds of Christ, you are healed of all health challenges you may be facing. Amen.

Jesus. Thank you for receiving my punishment on your back. Thank you. I receive the healing power you bought for me on the cross.

Do not forget to say by his wounds I am healed.

By his wounds, I am healed.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Praying For Others – Pray For Healing

Praying For Others – Pray For Healing

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday we started a series on praying for others and the sort of prayer God loves to hear. Today we will look at how to pray for healing for others.

Do you know someone who is sick? It may be a classmate, a church buddy, a neighbour, a friend at your lesson class or someone that belongs to the same club as you. The good news is that you can pray for them. Ask God to heal them and make them whole again.

You have the power to pray for healing for others. This is simply because the blood of Jesus has the power to heal all manner of sicknesses and diseases; so you can use the blood of Jesus to pray for the people you know that are passing through sickness.

Declare healing bible verses over them, mentioning their names as you do so. Divine healing is the portion of Christians. God does not like sicknesses, because it causes pain to His children; that is the reason He made healing possible. And that is also the reason that Jesus healed a lot of people when He was on earth. And you too, with the authority in the Name and Blood of Jesus, you can pray for healing for anyone that is sick, and God will heal the person. It’s so cool, isn’t it?

The world is still dealing with the effects of the covid-19 pandemic. Pray that God will heal those who have contracted the virus.

Pray, believing God will heal them. Pray for healing for people.
May the Lord give you the boldness to do so. Amen

Father, I ask for divine healing for (mention their name(s)). I ask through the name of Jesus. I declare that they are healed and made whole.

Action point:
Start to pray for healing for people who you know are sick.

Read yesterday’s article here