What Singles Can Learn From Joseph – Part 3

What Singles Can Learn From Joseph – Part 3

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES – What Singles Can Learn From Joseph

3. Joseph refused to sin!

This is a major one! He was offered free intercourse, but he ran away! He refused to get bitter about God because of his experiences and did not allow depression and conflicting emotions to push him into the clutches of available compromise with Potiphar’s wife!

(7) As time went on, his master’s wife became infatuated with Joseph and one day said, “Sleep with me.”(8) He wouldn’t do it. He said to his master’s wife, “Look, with me here, my master doesn’t give a second thought to anything that goes on here–he’s put me in charge of everything he owns.(9) He treats me as an equal. The only thing he hasn’t turned over to me is you. You’re his wife, after all! How could I violate his trust and sin against God?”(10) She pestered him day after day after day, but he stood his ground. He refused to go to bed with her.(11) On one of these days he came to the house to do his work and none of the household servants happened to be there.(12) She grabbed him by his cloak, saying, “Sleep with me!” He left his coat in her hand and ran out of the house. – Gen 39:7-12 MSG

Joseph said; I cannot sin against God! He had the fear of God. This is one of the reasons he became the greatest in Egypt! From prison to a ruler! What Singles Can Learn From Joseph

You see, righteousness exalts! Never ever allow the devil to tell you that you are missing out because you are a child of God. Never envy those who don’t have a relationship with God. David made that mistake too and he envied unbelievers, but he said when he got into God’s presence, then he understood their ends.

Joseph ran away! This is what you do in the face of sexual compromise! That is not the time to start speaking in tongues when he or she has removed his or her clothes! Run away! Flee! That is why God created legs for you!

Don’t come around and say somebody seduced you. Run! Five minutes before the compromise, you will always know what is about to happen. Don’t wait there trying to see what will happen when all the angels have already fled so that their eyes will not behold evil!

What else will happen between a guy and a lady alone in the room, with no light and no candles around 9.00 pm? Run! That is how to preserve your destiny! Run! That is how to fulfill your destiny! Run! Pack out of the house, you are not yet married! Run away because your destiny is greater than the compromise you are entangled with! Free yourself by God’s Spirit and run!

Take a cue from Joseph. But if I leave him, he won’t give me money again! If I leave him, he won’t pay my school fees again, and so on and so forth. That was also the place Joseph found himself. He ran away, and then seemed to land in the prison! But God did not leave him and that is the important thing. Righteousness will eventually exalt you and give you a better platform than exchanging your body for some paltry sums!

I am a dreamer. I will not stop dreaming! 

Pray that God will give the strength to say No in the face of compromise

Gen 39:2 KJV And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.

Study the life of Joseph

Gen 43-45


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The Art of Running Away With Your Lover

The Art of Running Away With Your Lover

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I was newly in courtship. She was my first love. And the last!

Never have fallen in love with any other person in my life like I was in love!

Our love seemed scripted in heaven. And so it was. And it still is!

It was doing me gra gra! Better than wine! And it is still doing me o!

Take me away with you! Let’s run off together! An elopement with my King-Lover! We’ll celebrate, we’ll sing, we’ll make great music. Yes! For your love is better than vintage wine. Everyone loves you—of course! And why not?Son 1:4 (MSG)

Just wanted to look into those adorable eyes, set in an angelic face, with the most gentle smiles emanating in measured doses.

The pouting lips, the nose that looks like the road that leads to Galilee…everything seemed custom-made for me!

I wanted to run away with her alone to some far-far-away land where it would just be the two of us, enraptured in pure love and doing no other thing but being in love.

I imagined those movies, and I am in the cast with Sophia, in some majestic palace, gold-adorned, with several servants and we are just singing, celebrating, and rejoicing!

But the scripture above is not about me and Sophia!

It is not about you and your babe!

It is not about you and your TDH – tall, dark and handsome!

The scripture is talking about you and God!

Lord, take me away with you!

Are you really in love with God? The proof is in your intense desire to run away with Him in His word!

The authenticity of your romance with divinity is in the intensity of your desire to run away into His presence!

You want celebration in your life! Do you want to sing songs of victory? Then get ready to run off with Him!

The more you ignore Him, the more your destiny suffers!

To be continued tomorrow…

I choose God over and over again.

Ask for an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit

Song 1:4 [GNT]Take me with you, and we’ll run away; be my king and take me to your room. We will be happy together, drink deep, and lose ourselves in love. No wonder all women love you!

Cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit

Josh 1-5


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Here Are Reasons Men Delay Or Run From Marriage

Here Are Reasons Men Delay Or Run From Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have often been asked why guys often delay in marriage. From ladies’ expectations towards court marriage, church marriage, or traditional marriage, there have been so many disappointments and sudden cancellations.

Oftentimes, people enter relationships without marriage counseling of any form. These days, there are many good and godly marriage therapists especially in form of online marriage counseling.

The single, as well as the married, are supposed to take advantage of all these in order to ensure that mistakes are avoided.

Here are some reasons why men often delay or develop a sore foot when it comes to getting married.

1. They are actually not ready
Most of the time, the guys are not ready. So when you start talking about marriage, they hear you with one side of the ear and allow it to escape through the other.

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They will usually ask you to wait or even get angry when you bring up the subject. Don’t waste your time trying to beg him, he is simply not ready. If you successfully push him into marriage, he would complain for a long time at any slight pressure.

2. They are scared of responsibilities
Another reason is that an average man is just scared of the responsibilities involved especially if he has gone through the trauma of being raised in a broken home or by a divorcee.

It all has a way of influencing his perspectives on marriage. Only God’s word can bring renewal of mind and a balanced outlook to what marriage really is.

3. They are not ready to raise a family
They may just not be ready to raise a family. In his mind, someone is still raising him as far as he is concerned. He is still Mummy’s boy.

If you marry a mummy’s boy, the mummy will rule your home, in reality, or by proxy.

To be continued…

I will marry rightly. I will not meet with men who will delay me.

Lord, deliver me from men who want to delay me.

Isaiah  30:21 [KJV] And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

Pray in the spirit.

Micah 2


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Run From These Lovers and Avoid Them – Part 3

Run From These Lovers and Avoid Them – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

…continued from yesterday’s devotional…

4. When you are in love with your Pastor who is married

This one may sound ridiculous, but trust me, it happens every day, I am a counselor!

A lot of ladies fall in love easily with their pastor because he is anointed and they listen to him every time. It is so easy to fall in love with your pastor, but when a Pastor who is married has fallen in love with you as well, it is better and wise to leave that church as soon as possible, because if you don’t, you will ruin yourselves!

By the time he is making advances at you, you should find another church! There is a difference between a hireling and a pastor! Don’t bother to pray that God should work it out! Are you praying that God should kill the Pastor’s wife?

If you have been sexually involved or manipulated by your pastor, leave that church. He might be a prophet or an apostle, if you are sleeping together, leave that church and leave that man!

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You say he is a spiritual father, he is married and yet sleeping with you? He is not a spiritual father; he is a spiritual nemesis! Run away! Avoid him!

Don’t bother praying. It is like both of you are sitting on a bomb, and it is better to disappear from that church! Don’t waste your time asking for His will. His will is clear, disconnect from such a relationship so that you will not delay yourself in your marital journey!

He is never going to leave his wife as he is promising you. All those lies are manipulations to keep you down in the sexual adventure.

At such scenarios, you don’t deceive yourself, you tell yourself the truth so that the truth can set you free.

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, open my eyes to know who to avoid in life

Proverbs 2:12 [KJV]To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things;

Review your relationship in light of the above and mark out those to avoid.

Heb 13


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Run From These Lovers and Avoid Them

Run From These Lovers and Avoid Them

Reading Time: 2 minutes

God gave each of us a brain so that He can rest. There are some things you should not pray about. There are people you should not fall in love with and in case you do, the only reasonable thing for you to do is to disconnect from them.

Don’t bother praying that God should approve your decision, which is clearly at loggerheads with His principles. God will not answer such prayers because He will not contradict His word.

Here are the scenarios that don’t need prayers or fasting. Don’t waste your time on them.

1. When you are in love with more than one person at a time

There is nothing as confusing and as unwise than to fall in love with more than one person at a time! The person involved will be disoriented, defocused, and disorganized.

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You will become deceptive in order to cover up. Then you will need to tell more lies in order to cover up the cover-ups!

God has not called you to this kind of lifestyle, and there is no way God will answer you when you start praying in such state of heart.

The first thing to do is to disconnect from both or all of them because, in reality, it could be one of the people you have fallen in love with or NONE of them!

But when you are asking God to approve what you have decided, something is wrong with that process and it doesn’t work that way! God is never mocked.

In the same way, married people are to focus on their spouse only and not direct their love to anybody aside from their spouses.

May God grant more understanding


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