The Art Of Running Away With Your Lover – Part 2

The Art Of Running Away With Your Lover – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

Take me away with you! Let’s run off together! An elopement with my King-Lover! We’ll celebrate, we’ll sing, we’ll make great music. Yes! For your love is better than vintage wine. Everyone loves you—of course! And why not?Son 1:4 (MSG)

There is an elopement with God, your lover that will extricate your life’s struggles and agonies!

Lord, I want to elope with you!

The way you desire to just be with your lover in one resort where you are looking into each other’s eyes and verbalizing some romantic nonsensical words is the same way you should desire to elope with God into some retreat, verbalizing your cares and your concerns.

The way you enjoy looking into the eyes of your lover is the way you should enjoy beholding the word of God.

The way your adrenaline flows at the appearance of your lover is the way your passion should come alive at the mention of His name!

God’s love is better than vintage wine!

Doth wine make you merry? Oh, try the love of God. It will get you drunk in Him!

Holy Ghost joy will flood your soul and His word will become a joy and rejoicing of your heart.

It is when your love for God is fully expressed that God becomes committed to finding that loved one!

God’s love teaches you how to love your lover appropriately and not selfishly. God’s love teaches you how to be romantic, how to be a lover boy or girl, how to be faithful to your spouse, and how not to cheat on your loved one!

Before you fall in love, before you give your heart out, is he a God-lover? Has he run away with God before? Has he eloped with God into some private moments with divinity?

If he hasn’t done that, he cannot love you appropriately! You are too precious to be loved illegally.

When he or she comes asking for your love, ask him or her, have you eloped? Have you run off with Him? Then that determines whether you can run with him or her.

If you dare run away with the one that has not run with God, not even GPS can locate you!

You will not disappear from heavenly radar! You will not be lost under His favour radar! God will give you His direction! You will not be confused!

Be blessed!

I choose to run off with God.

Ask for inner strength to develop and sustain a relationship with God

Song 1:4 [GNT]Take me with you, and we’ll run away; be my king and take me to your room. We will be happy together, drink deep, and lose ourselves in love. No wonder all women love you!

Cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit

Psalms 1-2


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How To Demolish Fantasies Of The Mind

How To Demolish Fantasies Of The Mind

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sandy is a cute lady whose mien portrays a beauty that is heavenly, however within her is a world of deception that is far from reality, characterized by fantasy and wishful thinking.

Her condition was made worse from endless reading of romantic novels and spending hours on romantic movies. Her brain has been filled with romantic junks, predicated on wrong notions that are completely anti-scripture.

Her issue is even made complicated because of a wonderful pulchritude she presents with no clues such junky thoughts are swimming within.

What will be the way out for Sandy?

Well, Psalm 23 aptly declares:

He restoreth my soul…

Psa 23:3a (KJV)

God’s word has the ability to dissolve every fantasy and reset the brain through a complete rewiring!

For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. We can demolish every DECEPTIVE FANTASY that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.

2Co 10:3-5 (TPT)

We can demolish every deceptive fantasy! Whatever has been set up in defiance to the true knowledge of God can be demolished according to the word of God.

This is done by deliberate and conscious effort at READING, STUDYING AND MEDITATING on God’s word. Hey! The more you meditate on that word truthfully, the more you set up yourself for total freedom from every negative and toxic thought patterns that seek to hold you down!

I pray this morning that God will set you free from all toxic thoughts in Jesus name!

My mind is filled with God’s word

Ask that God will reprogram your mind

Romans 12:2 (KJV) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Read, study, and meditate on the word

Rom 12


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What A Wife Wants From Her Husband – Part 2

What A Wife Wants From Her Husband – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday, we started on the topic what a wife wants from her husband, and we listed four points that men ought to take note of.

We said a woman wants
1. A head, not a headache
2. A protector, not a manipulator
3. A caring husband, not a scary one, and
4. A praying husband, not a preying one.

Today, I will tell you two more things every wife wants from her husband.

5. A gardener, not a scavenger
Every woman is like a garden of treasures. When a gardener is through working on a garden, there is order. When a scavenger is through, there is disorder. A gardener nurtures, a scavenger ruptures! A gardener prepares the garden for productivity; a scavenger is looking for what’s in it for him. It is a whole world of difference! A scavenger wants to raid your garden and if as a single you are involved with one, it’s time you send him parking and close your gate!

6. A romantic husband, not a sarcastic one
Women love it when their husbands are romantic. All the things a man used to do and say while he is wooing them, they want it to continue. If the man is wise, he will oblige to that. Ladies don’t like abusive men, men who use them as joke objects all the time, identifying and poking at their weaknesses rather than emphasize their strengths! It is not a good idea when you are inspired to crack some dry jokes directed at your wife each time you see her!

You will lose her gradually doing that! Rather, learn her love language and speak that language! If what it will take for you to have a good home is to help her a little in the kitchen, then do it!

As a young couple, I would bathe our boys from when they were just four days old! My wife loved that, so I took it upon myself to do that for all the boys till they were old enough to take care of themselves. Those were the early years when I had not started writing devotionals and I had time in the mornings.

Now, that may not resonate with you, and your wife might not even want to trust you with a four-day-old baby, but find something you can do to make her happy! That is how to be a man!

May God bless our marriage.

I receive the wisdom of God to advance my marriage

Father, help me to be a husband indeed.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:11-12 KJV)

Support your spouse all the way.

Ps 128


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