Who Is The Right Woman For Marriage?

Who Is The Right Woman For Marriage?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who Is The Right Woman For Marriage? George really loved Sally, beautiful and charming, but he felt her height wasn’t what he wanted. Deborah was spiritual and prayerful, but he felt, she wasn’t spiritual enough. Comfort was actually tall and but he felt she was too muscular because she was a Kungfu enthusiast. His brain taunted him with what could happen if a quarrel ensued. George had many ladies as close friends, his issue was not who to marry, but who to marry out of the numerous ladies who swarmed like bees around him.

George was simply confused. Would he marry like this? What exactly do you look for in a lady?

Yesterday, I started writing about what to look for in a godly woman. Let’s look at it more. 

Who Is The Right Woman For Marriage?

2. She has a mentor or Pastor over her.

She is submissive to spiritual authority. If she is not submissive to spiritual authority, there may be issues afterward with submission.

When a lady has issues with parents, pastors, Uncles, and so on, the people are not the problem. The problem is that the lady has issues with authority figures. She doesn’t know what it means to submit. Probably she didn’t grow up with her dad, so she learned early to be independent.

Unless she renews her mind and decides to unlearn and learn, there will be serious issues in marriage.

Who Is The Right Woman For Marriage?

3. She is not a strange woman.

Only strange women go after men and look for sex! They are not even interested in the money that comes with it, they just wanted sex!

A good lady will want to keep her virtue!

At this junction, I must mention that there are genuine cases where it is not as if the lady in question is promiscuous, but she has been introduced to sex and sundries at a tender age and she has grown up sexually active. Esteem has been battered and sex is seen as the price to pay to get love.

To such ladies, sex is no different from any other thing. While this experience is not her fault, the reality is that she is not supposed to stay in this clime. Her background is not enough reason for her back to remain on the ground. With the help of God, she is to clean up and stay away from every compromise!

Sin shall not have dominion over you! It means you can be in control with the help of God’s Spirit. You see, the seed of God in you is life, and it doesn’t go together with a sinful lifestyle! If you find yourself, in this scenario, I want you to cry to God and ask for His help. He will send help to you! Or you can call me on phone, and we will deal with this perverse spirit that seeks to destroy your destiny!

I pray that God grants you more understanding.

I have God’s wisdom to live right 

I resist every sinful trap in my life 

For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. (Romans 6:14 KJV)

Decide to resist all appearances of evil

John 8


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