How To Recognize The Right Man

How To Recognize The Right Man

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Understanding God’s Plan for Relationships

Recognizing the right man begins with an understanding of God’s divine plan for relationships. For Christian singles, aligning one’s relationships with God’s will is essential. This alignment requires a harmonious blend of spiritual discernment and adherence to biblical teachings. As it’s written in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Prayer is a vital tool in this spiritual journey of finding the right man. Through prayer, one seeks divine guidance to navigate their love life. James 1:5 offers wisdom, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Therefore, dedicating time daily to earnest prayer invites God’s wisdom into your decision-making process.

Another cornerstone is spiritual discernment. Developing the ability to distinguish a godly partner from others requires both patience and spiritual maturity. Philippians 1:9-10 emphasizes this: “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” By nurturing a discerning heart, one can better identify individuals who align with Christian values.

Regular engagement with Scripture also fortifies one’s understanding of God’s plan and identifying the right man. The Bible contains numerous guidelines and principles regarding relationships. Studying these scriptures enables one to internalize God’s expectations for a godly union. For instance, 2 Corinthians 6:14 cautions, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers,” implying the importance of shared faith in a relationship.

Moreover, the community within the church plays a pivotal role. Immersing oneself in a faith-based community not only strengthens spiritual growth but also provides support and guidance from fellow believers. Attending church services, participating in Bible study groups, and seeking counsel from spiritually mature individuals are practical ways to stay rooted in faith while seeking God’s guidance in recognizing the right man.

Through prayer, discernment, biblical study, and community involvement, a single Christian lady can more effectively recognize a partner who aligns with God’s plan, paving the way for a fulfilling and spiritually edifying relationship.

Characteristics of a Godly Man

Recognizing the right man is a pivotal aspect of any Christian relationship. A godly man, as illustrated in biblical principles, embodies several essential qualities. Foremost among these are faithfulness, integrity, humility, and an unwavering love for God. These traits are not merely abstract ideals but can manifest tangibly in daily actions and behaviors.

Faithfulness stands as a cornerstone quality. A faithful man demonstrates loyalty and commitment, not only in his relationship with others but primarily in his relationship with God. Proverbs 20:6 states, “Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?” This faithfulness is evident in his consistent attendance at worship, active participation in church activities, and steadfastness during life’s challenges.

right man

Integrity is another paramount trait. A man of integrity adheres to moral and ethical principles, even when it is difficult. His actions align with his words, embodying honesty and transparency. An exemplar of this quality is Joseph, who, despite being sold into slavery and imprisoned, never wavered in his commitment to righteousness (Genesis 39).

Humility, often taught by Christ himself, is a vital attribute. A humble man places others before himself, seeks to serve rather than be served, and acknowledges his own need for God’s guidance. Philippians 2:3-4 advises, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Finally, a strong love for God is indispensable. A man who loves God will naturally extend that love to others, embodying the command in Matthew 22:37-39 to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This love is evidenced through regular prayer, scripture study, and a life dedicated to living out Christian values.

The importance of consistency in these traits cannot be overstated. A man committed to his spiritual growth will display these qualities not as occasional gestures but as fundamental aspects of his character. Such consistency in a man’s spiritual life is indicative of his genuine commitment to living out Christian values daily.

Red Flags and Warning Signs

Recognizing the right man from a Christian perspective involves being vigilant about certain behaviors and attitudes that might indicate potential issues. There are several red flags and warning signs that every single Christian lady should be mindful of while discerning a prospective partner. Understanding these signs will help ensure that their values and faith are not compromised.

One of the primary red flags is dishonesty. If a man consistently fails to tell the truth, whether about small or significant matters, this can indicate a lack of integrity. Trust is the bedrock of any relationship, and dishonesty undermines this foundation. It’s essential to notice how a man handles truthfulness, as it reflects his overall character.

Lack of respect for others is another critical warning sign. Observe how the man treats those around him, whether it’s servers at restaurants, his family members, or strangers. A man who lacks respect for others is not likely the right man, and he is likely to exhibit the same behavior within a relationship. Respect is a fundamental principle in Christian teachings, emphasizing love and dignity for all individuals.

Furthermore, an unwillingness to grow spiritually can signal potential misalignment in values. In a Christian relationship, mutual spiritual growth is vital. A man who shows disinterest in spiritual matters or is unwilling to nurture his faith may not be a compatible partner. Assess whether he actively seeks to understand and grow in his spiritual journey.

Poor treatment of others, especially when it’s repetitive, is a significant concern. This can manifest through abusive language, manipulation, or any form of maltreatment. Such behaviors contradict Christian values of kindness and compassion. It’s crucial to recognize and address these issues early on.

If these red flags appear, it’s important to address them directly and openly. Encourage open communication to discuss any concerning behaviors. Seeking counsel from trusted mentors, church leaders, or close friends can provide additional perspective and support. Remember, it is crucial not to compromise one’s faith and values for the sake of any relationship. Maintaining integrity and adhering to Christian principles will ultimately lead to a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.

Building a Relationship on a Strong Foundation

Once a potential partner has been identified, a single Christian lady must ensure that the relationship is built on a solid foundation. The cornerstone of a healthy, God-centered relationship is shared faith and core values. Both partners should be committed to a life led by Christian principles, fostering a spiritual connection that transcends their aspirations. By prioritizing their faith, they can cultivate a stronger bond, rooted in mutual belief and spiritual growth.

Regular prayer together is a fundamental aspect of maintaining this spiritual connection. By setting aside time to pray as a couple, partners can experience profound intimacy and mutual support, laying the groundwork for open communication and mutual respect. Additionally, active involvement in church activities and ministries can further solidify this bond, providing a sense of community and shared purpose.

Mutual respect is paramount in any relationship. Recognizing each other’s individuality and supporting one another’s spiritual journeys fosters an environment where both partners feel valued and understood. Open communication is equally important. Discussing hopes, dreams, and even challenges openly encourages a transparent and trusting relationship, vital for continuous emotional and spiritual growth.

Preserving individuality within a united front is crucial. Each partner should maintain their own identity and personal relationship with God. Encouraging personal spiritual practices while sharing collective goals ensures a balanced relationship where both partners grow independently yet together in faith.

Pre-marital counseling and mentorship from mature Christian couples play a significant role in preparing for lifelong commitment. Engaging with seasoned couples provides valuable insights and practical advice on navigating the intricacies of Christian marriage and settling for the right man. These relationships often serve as models of stability and faith, offering guidance and support grounded in experience.

Building a relationship on a strong, faith-based foundation not only enhances the bond between a couple but also ensures that both individuals are aligned in their spiritual journey, preparing them for a committed and God-centered future together.

How To Recognize Warning Signs in a Relationship or Marriage

How To Recognize Warning Signs in a Relationship or Marriage

Reading Time: 4 minutes

How To Recognize Warning Signs in a Relationship or Marriage

Yesterday, we started talking about warning signs. We discussed emotional distancing and communication breakdown, frequent arguments and ongoing conflicts, and erosion of trust and security. We will pick it up from here today.

Recognizing Emotional or Physical Abuse

Recognizing the warning signs of emotional or physical abuse is crucial for anyone in a relationship. Emotional abuse often shows up as controlling behavior, where one partner tries to dominate the other’s actions, decisions, and social interactions. This control might be subtle, like constant criticism or manipulation, or more obvious, like dictating who the partner can or cannot see. Abusers often use isolation as a tactic to cut off their partner from friends and family, making them more dependent and easier to control.

Physical abuse, while more visible, is just as devastating. Signs like bruises, cuts, or unexplained injuries should never be ignored. Victims might also make excuses for their abuser’s behavior or try to hide injuries. Physical abuse can also include threats of violence, intimidation, or actual physical attacks. Recognizing these signs early is vital for the safety of the victim.

Emotional and physical abuse are often intertwined, with one leading to the other. Both forms of abuse are unacceptable and can have long-lasting psychological and physical effects. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, it’s crucial to seek help immediately.

Understanding that abuse in any form is never acceptable is key to protecting yourself and others. Taking steps to address abusive behavior can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected, preventing further harm and ensuring a supportive environment for recovery.

Diminished Intimacy and Affection

A noticeable drop in intimacy and affection is another significant warning sign in a relationship. A healthy relationship typically thrives on a foundation of affection, physical touch, and emotional closeness. When these elements start to fade, it can be a sign of deeper issues that need to be addressed.

Intimacy involves more than just physical connection—it’s also about emotional closeness and affection. When couples stop engaging in acts of kindness, share their thoughts and feelings, or become physically distant, it might indicate deeper problems. The loss of intimacy can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, even when partners are physically together.

Maintaining connection through affection is essential for a healthy relationship. Small gestures, like holding hands, hugging, or saying “I love you,” can significantly impact the emotional climate of a relationship. Physical touch is especially powerful in communicating love and reassurance, as it releases oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” which helps to bond couples together.

If you notice a decline in intimacy and affection, it’s important to address it promptly. Start with open communication—talk about your feelings and concerns with your partner to reach a mutual understanding and identify the root causes of the distance. It’s crucial to express your needs while also listening to your partner’s perspective.

Rekindling romance and rebuilding intimacy takes effort from both partners. Prioritize quality time together, whether through date nights or shared activities that you both enjoy. Rediscover each other’s interests and create new memories together. Reintroduce physical touch and affectionate behavior into your daily routine to help reignite the spark and bring back the closeness that may have been lost.

By focusing on intimacy and affection, couples can strengthen their bond and navigate challenges more effectively. It’s an ongoing process that requires attention and dedication, but the rewards are a deeper, more connected relationship.

Incompatibility and Growing Apart

Relationships and marriages are ever-evolving, and as time passes, couples may discover that their values, goals, or interests have diverged. This growing apart is a natural process but can lead to significant challenges if not addressed. Compatibility is about more than just having shared interests; it involves aligning on core values, life goals, and expectations for the future.

warning signs

Incompatibility can show up in various ways, such as differing views on major life decisions like having children, career priorities, or where to live. It might also manifest in smaller, everyday disagreements that stem from different personalities or lifestyles. Over time, these differences can create a rift, making it difficult for couples to find common ground.

When partners grow apart, it often feels like they’re living separate lives rather than sharing a journey together. This disconnection can lead to feelings of loneliness, frustration, and dissatisfaction. It’s important to recognize when this is happening and take steps to bridge the gap.

Exploring solutions together is key to overcoming these warning signs. Start by having honest conversations about your values, goals, and what you want from the relationship. It’s important to listen actively and try to understand your partner’s perspective, even if it differs from your own. Compromise may be necessary, but it should be done in a way that respects both partners’ needs and desires.

Sometimes, seeking the help of a relationship counselor can provide valuable insights and strategies for managing differences. A counselor can help couples communicate more effectively, understand each other’s viewpoints, and find ways to reconnect. It’s also essential to regularly check in with each other, discussing any changes in your relationship dynamics and addressing them promptly.

Acknowledging incompatibility doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed. With effort and mutual commitment, couples can navigate these challenges and find new ways to grow together. Re-establishing a shared vision for the future and staying connected through ongoing communication is vital to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Conclusion: Navigating Relationship Challenges

Relationships and marriages require ongoing effort, attention, and a willingness to adapt. By recognizing and addressing the warning signs early, couples can prevent small issues from escalating into major problems. Open communication, trust, and mutual respect are the cornerstones of a healthy relationship. When partners actively work on these areas, they can overcome challenges and build a stronger, more resilient bond.

If you notice any of these warning signs in your relationship, take them seriously. Don’t ignore the issues or hope they’ll resolve on their own. Instead, approach them with honesty, empathy, and a commitment to finding solutions together. Whether through direct conversation, professional counseling, or simply spending more quality time together, addressing these concerns head-on can lead to a more fulfilling and enduring partnership.

Remember, every relationship will face challenges at some point. What matters most is how you respond to them. By staying proactive and engaged, you can navigate the ups and downs of your relationship and continue to grow together. Your relationship’s success depends not just on avoiding problems but on working through them as a team, with love, understanding, and a shared vision for the future.

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Reading Time: 3 minutes

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya


I agree that wrong marriages can seriously damage our lives and futures. In this post, I will discuss Dr. Olukoya’s guidelines on 40 types of marriages that must be avoided. By learning to identify and steer clear of such unions, we can protect ourselves from unnecessary hardship. I will explore each kind of problematic marriage and explain why it should not take place.

Number 1. Fast food marriages.

Fast food marriages are based solely on physical attraction and lustful desires, rather than true love and compatibility. When the initial infatuation fades, as it always does, the relationship collapses. Marrying for looks or sexual chemistry alone is a recipe for divorce once those surface-level attractions disappear.

Number 2. Serpent in the pocket marriages.

A “serpent in the pocket” marriage is one where one spouse hides their real character flaws and intentions until after the wedding. Once committed, the deceptive person’s true colors emerge, often in a toxic manner that poisons the relationship. Founding a marriage on deception lays the groundwork for major betrayal and breach of trust down the road.

Number 3. Marrying the enemy.

Marrying someone you perceive as an enemy or competitor is asking for trouble. Unresolved negative feelings like dislike, mistrust, or a history of conflict do not make for a solid foundation for marriage. Even minor disagreements can easily escalate when underlying enmity exists. It is usually best to maintain distance from adversaries rather than legally binding yourself to them through marriage. Trying to change an enemy into a spouse often backfires.

Number 4. Marrying late in life hastily.

Those marrying later in life after previous relationships have ended may feel lonely or pressured to settle down quickly. However, rushing into marriage without properly evaluating the partner’s character can be imprudent. When loneliness or deadlines override good judgment, marriages entered into hastily tend to end in regret. It is wise not to compromise the standards of a compatible life partner just to avoid singleness. Taking the time to know someone fully is critical for long-term success.

Number 5. Half and half marriages.

Half-and-half marriages combine two incompatible halves that are doomed to clash. This occurs when partners of different faiths, cultures, or backgrounds enter marriage with unresolved differences. Over time, disagreements over issues like religion, in-laws, or child-rearing tend to intensify rather than diminish tension. For lasting peace, spouses must be fully united.

Number 6. Red Cross Society marriages.

Red Cross Society marriages refer to unions formed due to accidental pregnancy before marriage. While having a child does require responsibility, rushing to marry the other parent does not guarantee the couple is ready or suited to building a healthy family together long-term. Careful discernment is still needed.

Number 7. Demonic consultation marriages.

Demonic consultation marriages were explained as occurring when a partner seeks guidance from occult forces like astrology, witch doctors, or other ungodly sources rather than relying on God’s will. Putting faith in spiritual powers runs contrary to biblical teaching and exposes the marriage to harmful manipulation and control from demonic entities. God alone should direct our paths.

Number 8. Witchcraft marriages.

Witchcraft marriages are those involving spouses with a background or family history steeped in witchcraft, idolatry, or other demonic practices. Such spiritual baggage has toxic consequences, as the marriage itself may become a battleground for conflicting spiritual influences and ideologies that undermine harmony.

Number 9. Syringe marriages.

Syringe marriages occur when a partner has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Substance issues often stem from deeper problems, and getting clean is a long process even after rehab. Marrying an unreformed addict risks exposing yourself and any future children to harm from relapses or associated unhealthy behaviors. Stability must be established first before committing to such a union.

Number 10. Diabetes marriages.

Diabetes marriages involve partners with uncontrolled medical conditions like diabetes that require intensive management. The strain of caring for an ill spouse’s needs can drain both physical and emotional resources from the relationship. Health must be reasonably stable to ensure both spouses’ well-being and ability to fulfill their roles before marriage

Number 11. Marrying out of pity.

Marrying out of pity rather than genuine love or compatibility is unfair to both partners. Pity seeks to fulfill an ego need to help someone, but true care requires considering the other person’s long-term well-being and ensuring the relationship is healthy for both sides. Otherwise, it risks becoming a crutch rather than a partnership.

In conclusion, while the heart wants what it wants, marriage is not merely an emotional affair but a serious life commitment. Entering without fully considering factors like spirituality, values, health, background, and long-term goals nearly guarantees problems down the road. Rather than acting on fleeting feelings or circumstances, take time to carefully discern true compatibility in all areas before making a vow. Building on a firm foundation of mutual understanding and agreement increases the chances of a stable, fruitful union.

Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Top 10 Signs You Need Help Part 2 

Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Top 10 Signs You Need Help Part 2 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Top 10 Signs You Need Help Part 2 

We continue from yesterday.

6. You’re leading separate lives

This another one of the Signs You Need Help. Make a conscious effort to prioritize quality time together.
We all need our own space and independence. But when you and your partner start feeling more like roommates than soulmates, that’s a major red flag. It’s like you’re two ships passing in the night, never really connecting or sharing experiences. The Bible hits the nail on the head with Amos 3:3 – “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?”

I’ll never forget this one couple I knew. Let’s call them… Sally and Buddy. These two were so wrapped up in their own worlds that they practically needed a translator to communicate. Sally was always off doing her own thing, while Buddy was glued to his video games. Date nights? Forget about it! They were living that separate lives life to the maximum.

But here’s the thing – a relationship is supposed to be a partnership, a journey you take together. When you stop making that quality time for each other a priority, the connection starts to fray. It’s like a plant that doesn’t get enough water – it’ll eventually wither and die.

So, what’s the solution? Well, it’s all about being intentional. Set aside regular date nights, plan little adventures together, or even just snuggle up and watch your favorite movie.

7. Trust has been broken

This is one of the Signs You Need Help. We’re not just talking little white lies here, but the kind that makes you question everything and feel like you’re walking on eggshells.

I had this one friend, we’ll call her Samantha, who went through the ultimate trust betrayal. Her partner of five years had been having an emotional affair, sharing deep thoughts and feelings with someone else behind her back. When she found out, it was like her entire world shattered into a million pieces.

Samantha was devastated. How could someone she trusted so completely violate that sacred bond? She felt like a fool for believing in their partnership.

But here’s the thing – rebuilding trust is possible, but it takes hard work from both parties. It’s a conscious choice to forgive, to be accountable, and to communicate openly, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Trust is precious, my friends. Once it’s been broken, working to repair it is one of the highest callings. It’s about choosing to see the higher road, even when the pain is fresh. It’s about loving bigger than you ever thought possible.

8. You’re feeling unheard or ignored

This is one of the Signs You Need Help. We’ve all been there, right? You try to share something that’s important to you – a frustration at work or an idea for a vacation. But instead of your partner’s full attention, you get the dreaded glazed-over look or one-word responses. It’s the romantic equivalent of talking to a brick wall.

Listen, communication is the lifeblood of any healthy relationship. Without it, that once-blazing connection starts to feel like a dying campfire. The embers are still there, but they’re getting faint and harder to re-ignite with each passing day.

The Bible says in James 1:19, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Being an active listener, fully present and engaged, is one of the greatest gifts you can give your partner. It’s a way of saying “You matter. Your thoughts and feelings are valuable to me.

So make that conscious choice, every single day, to listen with your whole soul. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, and drink in every word your partner has to say, as if it’s the nectar of the gods. Let them feel that soul-quenching feeling of being truly heard.


9. You’re not supporting each other’s goals and dreams

Here is another one of the Signs You Need HelpYour relationship should be a dream team – a dynamic duo working together to help each other soar to new heights. When one person’s wings start to falter, the other is there to provide an updraft and keep them aloft.

Not supporting one another is like two planets spinning in opposite directions, never quite aligning. And as Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 remind us, “Two are better than one…If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Supporting each other’s goals and dreams doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as listening intently when your partner shares a new idea, asking questions to understand their vision more deeply. It’s celebrating each tiny victory and reassuring them through the setbacks.

10. You’re feeling stuck or stagnant

How do you know if your relationship has veered off that path of joyful partnership and stumbled into a growth-stunting rut? Well, there are a few telltale signs to watch out for:

The conversation well has run dry.

Date night is a distant memory. The core values and interests that once bound you together have drifted in separate directions.

If any of those strike you, fear not! This isn’t an inevitable death sentence for your relationship – it’s a wake-up call to get that growth groove back.

Here’s the truth – a relationship is a living, breathing entity. And like anything alive, it requires the oxygen of growth, progress, and exploration to survive. Stagnation is a slow suffocation.

So go ahead, be bold! Shake up those comfortable patterns. Nurture your evolving partnership with the same devotion and joy that first sparked it into existence.

Choose growth – in all its messy, unpredictable, breathtakingly beautiful forms. That’s what true partnership is all about.

Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Top 10 Signs You Need Help Part 1

Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Top 10 Signs You Need Help Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Top 10 Signs You Need Help

Let’s talk about something that’s really important, but can be tough to acknowledge: when our relationship or marriage needs a little or a lot of help. As a married person, you know that relationships take work. And sometimes, despite our best efforts, things can start to feel off. The connection that once felt so strong starts to fade, and you find yourself wondering if everything is okay.

Well, wonder no more! Today, we’re diving into the top 10 signs that your marriage might need a little TLC.

1. You’re barely talking (and when you do, it’s only to argue)

Communication is key in any relationship, but when the only conversations you’re having are heated ones, that’s a red flag. As Ephesians 4:29 in The Message Translation reminds us, “Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.” Make an effort to have meaningful, respectful conversations with your partner. Set aside dedicated time to talk about things that matter, and make a conscious effort to listen actively and respond thoughtfully.

In a healthy relationship, communication should be open, honest, and respectful. If you find yourself avoiding conversations or only talking to argue, it’s time to reassess your communication style. Ask yourself: Are we only talking about surface-level issues, or are we diving deeper into our thoughts, feelings, and desires? Are we actively listening to each other, or are we just waiting for the other person to finish speaking so we can respond?

2. You feel more like roommates than partners

This is another one of Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Remember when you used to be each other’s rock? If you’re feeling more like cohabitants than soulmates, something’s amiss. As singles in courtship, you are no longer excited or looking forward to your spouse! That is a red flag! As couples, you are emotional disenfranchised from your partner, well, that is a red flag! What do you do? Make time for regular date nights and activities that bring you closer together. Deliberately seek to invest in your relationship or reach out for professional help. On Kisses and Huggs Club, we have several courses designed to rekindle your love as couples!

It’s essential to prioritize quality time together, doing things that bring you joy and closeness. This can be as simple as cooking dinner together, going for a walk, or watching a movie. The key is to make an effort to reconnect and strengthen your bond. Ask yourself: When was the last time we did something fun together? When did we last have a meaningful conversation about our hopes and dreams?

3. Intimacy is a distant memory

Here is another on of This is another one of Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Physical and emotional intimacy are essential in a healthy marriage. If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner in this way, it’s time to address it. As 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 reminds us, “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.” The frequency of sex can determine the health of your marriage! Meanwhile, the constancy of sex as singles and unmarried can signal a terrible error in that relationship.

Intimacy is about more than just physical closeness; it’s about emotional connection and vulnerability. If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner, it’s essential to address the issue head-on. This might involve having an open and honest conversation about your desires, needs, and boundaries. Ask yourself: When was the last time we had a meaningful, intimate conversation about our desires and needs? Are we prioritizing our emotional and physical connection?

4. You’re feeling resentful or bitter

Unresolved issues can lead to some serious resentment. If you’re feeling like you’re harboring anger or frustration towards your partner, it’s time to talk things through. As James 1:19-20 says, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” Don’t try to bury resentments, it will only end up becoming like magma within the crust of the earth. One day, there will be volcanic eruption from the bitterness stored within, and that would not always be a pleasant time.

Resentment can build up over time, causing resentment and anger to simmer just below the surface. It’s essential to address these feelings before they boil over. Make an effort to listen to your partner’s perspective, and be willing to apologize and forgive. Ask yourself: What am I holding onto? What do I need to let go of? What do I need to communicate to my partner?

5. You’re not fighting fairly (or at all)

This is another one of This is another one of Relationship and Marriage Red Flags! Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but when you’re not addressing issues or are fighting dirty, it’s a problem. As Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words stir up wrath.” Learn to communicate effectively and respectfully, even in the heat of the moment. Do not demonize your partner. Face the issue, not your partner. Learn to separate the person from the action so that you won’t end up hurting each other.

When conflicts arise, it’s essential to address them in a healthy and constructive way. This means avoiding blame, criticism, and personal attacks. Instead, focus on the issue at hand and work together to find a solution. Make an effort to listen actively, remain calm, and communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly.

Ask yourself: Am I addressing issues as they arise, or am I letting them simmer beneath the surface? Am I fighting fairly, or am I using underhanded tactics to “win” the argument? Am I willing to listen to my partner’s perspective and work together to find a solution?

Remember, relationships take work, and conflicts are an inevitable part of the journey. By learning to communicate effectively, address issues as they arise, and fight fairly, you can build a stronger, healthier relationship that will last a lifetime.