How To Get Out Of The Prison

How To Get Out Of The Prison

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Get Out Of The Prison. Sally and Bode were so much in love, or so, Sally thought. She was looking forward to the wedding and settling to raise a family with Bode. Sadly, Bode had other plans. He led her on, to the edge of nowhere and led her soul hanging to nothing. All the while Sally thought it was a romantic journey, she ignored all the warning signs and now she has been lethally thrown into a dungeon of sadness and bitterness. Bode got married to another person!

On the day she saw the wedding pictures on Instagram, Sally lost it all. Her praise vaporized into thin air. Bitterness settled and she became angry at God.

The case of Mrs. Johnson wasn’t different. Ever since she discovered her sweet loving Christian husband was cheating on her, she couldn’t easily forgive. Her trust bowl was shattered, her fragile heart was ruptured, her gait was wobbled, her dancing feet were frozen, her laughter became a dirge and her praise was gone.

The devil had Sally and Mrs Johnson where he wanted them. Soul imprisoned!

David in the Bible was there too. He said in

Psa 142:7 (KJV) Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.

Every time you find it hard, difficult or impossible to praise God, the soul is in the prison. Every time your lips become heavy to praise God, the soul has been caught and shackled in the snare of the fowler. And when the soul is in that position, bountiful blessings will be impossible to receive.

Just like it’s impossible for a prisoner to have maximum benefit that life has to offer. His movement is restricted and he cannot meet great people. His choices are limited and his will are controlled and he must be under servitude. He can’t go on vacation and he can’t choose what he wants to eat. His life became regulated with force.

The Message Translation puts it this way:

Psa 142:7 (MSG) Get me out of this dungeon so I can thank you in public. Your people will form a circle around me and you’ll bring me showers of blessing!”

The dungeon of life is where you have ceased to give thanks to God.

How To Get Out Of The Prison

You must purge your soul of hurts, unforgiving spirits, bitterness, wounds, or just anything that hinders you from praising God continually.

You must find a place of forgiveness for those who dealt with you badly, cheated, jilted, deceived, and despitefully used you. You must find forgiveness for an erring spouse, and allow God to do His work. Hurts must not be allowed to hunt you down and wounds must not build mounds over your destiny.

Don’t allow anything to take your praise away! This is How To Get Out Of The Prison
May God grant you more understanding.

Your relationship will not crash. Your marriage will not suffer a mishap!

Good morning!


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More Things Singles Can Learn From Joseph

More Things Singles Can Learn From Joseph

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This morning, we are looking at more things singles can learn from the life of Joseph

4. Joseph would not let go of his dream

Joseph held on to his dream despite contradictory circumstances. He refused to give up on God. He had hope. He knew God would not let him down!

I will like you to know this morning that your dreams will still come to pass. Never let go! God’s words will never fall to the ground and He is never too late. Hold on to the horns of the altar and refuse to resign to fate! He that has promised you is also faithful to bring it to pass!

5. Joseph was in the prison but the prison was not in him!

It is one thing to be bound physically, it is another thing to also be bound within! There are many people who are not imprisoned physically but are chained within. There are many people who are walking free but are actually in prison and there are people who are imprisoned but are free within!

Joseph never allowed the prison to enter him. He still went ahead and interpreted a dream for someone in the prison which was to be an act that would later facilitate his exit from the prison. That is something Singles Can Learn From Joseph

Joseph never allowed bitterness and offense to which he had every reason to succumb. He was still trying to help out others with the intent he became the leader in the prison. Despite that he has been sentenced to a special maximum prison where the king’s offenders were kept with no hope of coming out, he did not get bitter!

Never get bitter at God for any reason. You cannot fight your maker and win. You cannot blame God for any woes. God is not mocked. Bitterness at God will only worsen the situation

I forgive. I am a forgiver! I will not clog my heart with hurts and bitterness

Pray and ask God to give the grace to be a quick forgiver

Gen 45:8 (KJV) So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.

Study the life of Joseph

Genesis 46-47


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