Dreaming Big 5 – Start To Act Out Your Dreams
Reading Time: 2 minutesSo you have discovered your passion for something and are acquiring some form of education in that area and have also not quit, what is next on the line? Well, the next thing to do is to start acting out your dreams. Act!
You have learnt some art principles in art school – start to use them in your works. Let them show in your paintings or sculptures or whatever form of art you are creating.
You love to cook? Start using the skills you have learnt at culinary school at home. Cook something at home. Act out your dream.
Do not wait till you graduate or finish your training before you start to practice. Practicing is like having tests and exams at school. It’s to test how much you have learnt or are learning.
When David faced Goliath on the battlefield, it wasn’t his first time on the battlefield. He was already battling lions and bears in the forest while shepherding flocks daily. He already had practiced before the big day. You see? Learn to act.
Goliath was just another bear or lion in the eyes of David. And he believed that if God could successfully allow him to kill lions and bears, who was Goliath that God wouldn’t allow him to defeat, especially since the giant was mocking and teasing the Israelites. (Read 1 Sam. 17:1-51)
Practicing is for measuring how much you have learnt and not to mock or ridicule you.
Through practice, you will discover so much about yourself and what you are learning. I yet say again, “Act out your dream.”
One final thought about practicing – it prepares you for battle.
I pray that the Lord will equip you daily as you practice. Amen.
Father, help me to continue to practice the skills I have learnt. Help me to act. Help me to discover my strengths and weaknesses in Jesus’ name, amen.
Action plan:
Do all your practices. Do all your school assignments, take all tests and exams.
Read yesterday’s article here