When Love Finds Its Mellifluous Voice

When Love Finds Its Mellifluous Voice

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When Love Finds Its Mellifluous Voice

In Olanrewaju Village, Adeola and Folake’s love story was once the heartbeat of the village’s tales. Adeola, a robust farmer, was as steadfast as the land he tilled. Folake, celebrated for her beauty and intellect, brought radiant energy to their marriage. However, five years on, the spark that once lit up their union had dimmed, casting long, silent shadows over their lively home.

One evening, Adeola returned home from the fields with big yams and fresh vegetables. He approached Folake with a broad smile, expecting to see her face light up with joy. “Folake, look at what I’ve brought for you,” Adeola said proudly.

Folake glanced at the bounty but her face fell. She sighed, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “Adeola, it’s not about the yams or the vegetables,” she began. “I don’t feel loved.”

Adeola stood there, bewildered. In his culture, love was shown through actions, not words. “Folake, what do you mean?” Adeola asked. “I work hard every day to provide for you. I built this house for us. How can you say I don’t love you?”

Folake sighed deeply. “Adeola, it’s not just about the things you do. It’s the little things. You never say anything nice to me. You never compliment me. I need to hear that you love me.”

Adeola frowned. “Folake, if I didn’t love you, would I have married you? Think about it. Every day, I work the fields so we have food to eat. Isn’t that love?”

Folake shook her head, a tear sliding down her cheek. “I appreciate everything you do, but love is more than just providing. When was the last time you told me I looked beautiful? Or that you were proud of me? I need to hear those words, Adeola.”

Adeola’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Actions speak louder than words. When I built that house, I was showing you my love. Words are just… words. They don’t mean anything if they aren’t backed up by actions.”

Folake’s voice trembled. “But to me, words mean everything. They give life to your actions. Without them, your actions feel hollow. I feel invisible, Adeola. It’s like I’m just another part of your routine, not the woman you fell in love with.”


Adeola sought advice from his friend, Chinedu, who had recently returned from the city with new perspectives on marriage and relationships.

Chinedu listened attentively. “Adeola, some people need to hear words of affirmation to feel loved. It’s not enough to show love through actions alone; you must also express it through words.”

“But how do I start?” Adeola asked.

“Start small,” Chinedu advised. “Begin with genuine compliments and expressions of gratitude. Tell her what she means to you. It might feel awkward at first, but with time, it will become natural.”

One afternoon, during one of his visits, Adeola saw Chinedu writing a love letter to his wife, Sade. “What are you writing, Chinedu?” Adeola asked.

“I’m writing a love letter to Sade,” Chinedu replied. “Words have power, Adeola. Sometimes, writing them down makes them even more special.”

Intrigued, Adeola asked, “But what do you write about?”

“I write about how much I appreciate her, the little things she does that make my day brighter. I remind her of our fond memories and our dreams. It’s not always grand declarations; sometimes, it’s the small, everyday things that matter most.”

Adeola was silent, digesting this new perspective. “Do you think Folake would appreciate something like this?”

“Absolutely. Every woman wants to feel cherished and valued. Words can touch the heart in ways that actions sometimes can’t.”

Determined to save his marriage, Adeola decided to change. The next morning, he woke up early and prepared breakfast for Folake. When she awoke, Adeola looked into her eyes and said, “You are the most beautiful woman in Olanrewaju Village, Folake. Your smile brightens my day more than the sun.”

From that day on, Adeola made a conscious effort to compliment Folake daily. Their relationship began to flourish once more.

During the annual village festival, Adeola took Folake’s hand and said, “Folake, you are my heart’s desire, the melody to my song, and the light to my path. I love you more than words can say.”

The crowd erupted in applause, and Folake, overwhelmed with emotion, embraced Adeola tightly. Their love had been rekindled, not by grand gestures, but by the simple, yet profound power of complimentary words.

From Isolation to Illumination: A Tale of Love and Mentorship

From Isolation to Illumination: A Tale of Love and Mentorship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

From Isolation to Illumination: A Tale of Love and Mentorship

In a bustling Nigerian town, the lives of Adebayo and Yetunde were a testament to the importance of love, community, and the essential role of mentorship. This story highlights how even the most outwardly successful and respected relationships can falter without proper guidance and support.

The town was a lively tapestry of cultures and traditions, with bustling markets, vibrant streets, and a close-knit community. Here, Adebayo and Yetunde stood out, admired for their love and accomplishments, and respected for their contributions.

Adebayo was known for his business acumen, having inherited his father’s entrepreneurial spirit and reputation. He expanded his father’s business, and as a result, he earned a reputation for his sharp mind and ambitious nature. Despite the pressures and expectations, Adebayo was seen as a pillar of the business community.

On the other hand, Yetunde was a dedicated teacher who through love, influenced many young lives. At home, she balanced her professional responsibilities with her role as a mother and wife, providing unwavering support to Adebayo and nurturing their children. In addition, her ability to manage both roles seamlessly made her a revered figure in the community.

Despite their outwardly perfect union, Adebayo and Yetunde’s marriage began to show cracks as the pressures of business and family life mounted. They lacked a mentor to help them navigate these challenges, a significant oversight in a society where pastors and community leaders play crucial roles in offering wisdom and counsel.

In African culture, the concept of community and mentorship is deeply ingrained. Pastors and church leaders provide counsel and support, offering wisdom passed down through generations. Yetunde had suggested many times that Adebayo seek a mentor to help guide their family and business decisions. In contrast, Adebayo, confident in his early successes, saw no need for external advice.

As Adebayo’s business faced challenges, his refusal to seek mentorship took a toll. He became irritable and withdrawn, affecting his demeanor at home. Yetunde, feeling increasingly isolated, struggled to communicate her concerns. As a result, their marriage was slowly unraveling, with financial strains adding to the tension.

One evening, Yetunde confided in her friend, Mama Chika, a respected leader in their church. Mama Chika emphasized the importance of not living in isolation, sharing her own painful experiences of neglecting mentorship. Inspired by Mama Chika’s words, Yetunde convinced Adebayo to seek guidance from Pastor Adewale, a seasoned marriage counselor.

The Transformation

However, through regular sessions with Pastor Adewale, Adebayo and Yetunde began to rebuild their love relationship. They learned to communicate more effectively, address their issues with honesty, and lean on each other for support. The pastor’s wisdom and guidance helped them navigate their storm, transforming their marriage from conflict to mutual respect and understanding.


Consequently, Adebayo’s business began to recover as he applied the principles of accountability and mentorship to his professional life. He sought advice from experienced businessmen in the community, understanding that even the most capable leaders need guidance.

The story of Adebayo and Yetunde highlights a fundamental truth: accountability and mentorship are essential for the success of any marriage. As Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established.” Their journey from discord to harmony illustrates that with the right guidance and support, even the most strained relationships can be restored.

Lessons from Adebayo and Yetunde’s Story

1. Importance of Mentorship: Adebayo’s initial refusal to seek mentorship despite Yetunde’s advice highlighted the dangers of pride and self-reliance. Mentorship provides not only guidance but also support during tough times.

2. Community Support: In African culture, community and pastors play a crucial role in providing wisdom and stability. This support system is invaluable in both personal and professional aspects of life.

3. Communication and Accountability: Effective communication and accountability are essential for resolving conflicts and building stronger relationships. Regular sessions with a mentor or counselor can help couples navigate their issues.

4. Impact of Isolation: Isolation can lead to desolation. The story underscores the importance of not isolating oneself, especially in times of crisis. Seeking help and guidance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

5. Learning from Others: Observing and learning from the experiences of others, like Chinedu’s success due to having a mentor, can provide valuable insights and encourage positive changes.

6. Spiritual Guidance: Spiritual leaders provide practical and spiritual support, offering a holistic approach to resolving conflicts.

7. Acknowledgment of the Problem: Recognizing problems is the first step toward resolution.

8. Seeking Guidance: Approaching a mentor can be a turning point in addressing issues.

9. Regular Communication: Counseling sessions help couples communicate openly and honestly.

10. Applying Wisdom: Practical advice from mentors can lead to recovery and growth in business and personal life.

In conclusion, the journey of Adebayo and Yetunde serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of accountability and mentorship. Their story became an inspiration to others in their community, proving that true strength lies in humility, openness, and the willingness to seek help. Finally, their experience underscores the enduring value of community support and the wisdom of elders in guiding us through life’s challenges.

Between Love and Lies: The Struggle of Marital Deception

Between Love and Lies: The Struggle of Marital Deception

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Between Love and Lies: The Struggle of Marital Deception

In the heart of the expansive Savanna, where Acacia trees stretch towards an endless horizon, lies the village of Kabira. This close-knit community is home to Juma, a renowned storyteller, and his stunning wife, Nia. Their love story, filled with romance, challenges, and profound lessons, has consequently become a cherished legend in their village.

Juma’s Gift for Storytelling

Firstly, Juma was celebrated far and wide for his extraordinary ability to tell stories. His voice, rhythmic like a drumbeat and flowing like a river, brought to life the history and legends of their people. From ancient heroes’ epic journeys to the mischievous deeds of spirits, Juma’s tales captivated everyone in Kabira.

Nia’s Beauty and Wisdom

Nia was equally admired for her unparalleled beauty, wisdom, and exceptional skill in weaving intricate patterns into the village’s garments. Moreover, her creations were more than just clothing; each piece told a story of love, tradition, and dreams. Nia was also known for her kind heart and deep understanding of the human spirit.

Their First Meeting and Marriage

Juma and Nia met by a tranquil riverbank, instantly enchanted by each other. Their courtship was a dance of affection: Juma shared warrior tales, and additionally, Nia gifted woven garments. They married in a grand village ceremony, blessed with songs, dances, and heartfelt gifts, sealing their deep connection and love.

The Trials and Tribulations; Early Challenges

As with all great stories, Juma and Nia’s marriage faced trials. The initial days were filled with joy and laughter, but soon the challenges of life surfaced. Juma’s temper, quick to flare when his artistic flow was interrupted, clashed with Nia’s calm and patient demeanor. Consequently, their harmony was disrupted, leading to frustrations and misunderstandings.

A Divine Dream

One evening, after an exhausting day, Juma’s frustration boiled over when Nia did not prepare his favorite meal. Their argument continued into the night, and for the first time, they went to bed with unresolved anger. That night, Nia was visited in a dream by Jesus, who gently reminded her that marriage requires patience, understanding, and appreciation of the small things.

Renewed Purpose

Nia awoke with a renewed sense of purpose and shared her dream with Juma. Recognizing the wisdom in Jesus’s advice, Juma promised never to let anger linger between them. They agreed to resolve their disagreements before the night ended, no matter how challenging the conversation might be.


Working Their Marriage

Juma and Nia paused their disagreements to approach them calmly, using kind words to strengthen their bond. Daily compliments fostered goodwill: Juma admired Nia’s weavings, and she praised his stories. Nia thrived on Juma’s affirmations, feeling cherished, which deepened their emotional connection and reinforced their love and appreciation for each other.

A Tragic Turn

Despite their best efforts, their story took a tragic turn. Juma began to struggle with writer’s block, feeling the weight of his inability to captivate his audience. Determined to regain his spark, he devoted all his energy to his craft, inadvertently neglecting Nia in the process.

Nia’s Loneliness

Feeling increasingly overlooked and unappreciated, Nia tried to communicate her needs to Juma. However, Juma, absorbed in his struggle and feeling overwhelmed, dismissed her concerns. His frustration and impatience consequently led to more frequent arguments.

The Temptation

In her vulnerability, Nia found herself drawn to Kato, a charming trader who had recently arrived in the village. Kato was attentive and kind, providing a temporary refuge from Nia’s troubles at home. One evening, after another heated argument with Juma, Nia sought solace in Kato’s company.

The Encounter

Under the moonlit sky, Nia and Kato sat by the riverbank, discussing their lives and dreams. Overwhelmed by her emotions and the comfort Kato provided, Nia almost gave in to the temptation. Although she brushed off the incident, Kato pursued her once more.

The Discovery

One evening, Juma stumbled upon Nia and Kato holding hands intimately by the riverbank. Heartbroken, he confronted the situation. Furthermore, he reported the matter to the village elders. Nia, facing scrutiny, explained her vulnerability and Juma’s neglect.

The Resolution

Consequently, the village elders decided Kato should be sent out of the village. The community rallied around Juma and Nia, offering support as they navigated the difficult path ahead. Nia confessed everything to Juma, and they both apologized for their actions, vowing to rebuild their marriage on trust, love, and understanding.

A Timeless Message

•  Effort and Patience: A happy and enduring marriage requires effort and patience.

•  Willingness to Grow: Growth is essential for a lasting relationship.

•  Resolving Conflicts with Kindness: Addressing disagreements with kindness is crucial.

•  Preventing Anger from Festering: Never let anger linger unresolved.

•  Daily Appreciation: Regularly show appreciation for your partner.

•  Enduring Love: “May your love be as enduring as the Baobab tree, and may your marriage be blessed with joy and harmony.”

The Tale of A Couple: A Story of Mistakes and Redemption in Umudike

The Tale of A Couple: A Story of Mistakes and Redemption in Umudike

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Tale of A Couple: A Story of Mistakes and Redemption in Umudike

In the heart of Eastern Nigeria, among the hills and lush forests of Igbo land, lived a wise ruler named Uncle Nnamdi. His fair decisions benefited all the people of Umudike. One sunny morning, he gathered the villagers at the village square to share his wisdom.

The Wisdom of Uncle Nnamdi

Uncle Nnamdi begins by emphasizing the significance of decisions made in the early stages of life. He speaks of life having three seasons: morning, afternoon, and night. Choices made in the morning impact the night, and wise decisions can alter one’s destiny. He then narrates the story of Obi as an example of poor early choices and the potential for redemption.

The Morning of Obi’s Life

Obi, a young and promising hunter, is distracted by the attention of young women. Despite warnings from elders, he continues to indulge in fleeting relationships, neglecting his responsibilities. His charm and good looks make him popular, but his decisions have lasting repercussions.

The Afternoon of Obi’s Life

Obi marries Ada, a virtuous woman from a neighboring village, and they have two children. However, his past habits resurface, and he struggles with fidelity. His indiscretions cause tension in his marriage, and his reputation in the village suffers. Ada, despite being heartbroken, remains strong and continues to support him.

Ada’s Background and Strength

Ada, raised with values of hard work, honesty, and faith, marries Obi despite knowing his reputation. Her unwavering support and strength become crucial in Obi’s redemption journey. She prays for guidance and believes in a purpose to her suffering, teaching her children the values she holds dear.

The Turning Point

Obi is severely injured while hunting, leading to a period of reflection. The village elders’ wisdom finally resonates with him, and he realizes the damage he has done to his family. Ada’s unwavering care during his recovery deeply moves Obi, becoming the catalyst for his transformation.


The Night of Obi’s Life

Obi commits to making amends, seeking forgiveness from Ada through consistent actions. He attends gatherings of the village elders, absorbs their wisdom, and fosters a deeper relationship with God. He dedicates himself to being present for his family and works hard to regain his skills as a hunter.

Redemption and Impact

Obi’s visible transformation earns him respect in the village. His journey inspires other young men, highlighting the importance of wise decisions and the possibility of redemption. The story of Obi and Ada becomes a part of village lore, teaching valuable lessons about life, choices, and redemption.

Lessons Learned

The story of Obi and Ada holds many lessons for the villagers and for all who hear it:

1. The Importance of Early Choices

The morning of one’s life is crucial. Decisions made during this time can have long-lasting consequences. It is vital to build good habits and make wise choices early on.

2. The Power of Redemption

No matter how many mistakes one has made, it is never too late to change. Obi’s story shows that with determination, humility, and the right support, one can turn their life around.

3. The Role of Family and Community

Ada’s unwavering support and the wisdom of the elders played a crucial role in Obi’s redemption. It highlights the importance of having a strong support system and the impact of community on an individual’s life.

4. Fidelity and Responsibility

Obi’s infidelity caused immense pain and disruption in his family. His journey underscores the importance of fidelity and the responsibility one has towards one’s spouse and children.

5. Spiritual Guidance

Obi’s path to redemption was significantly aided by his renewed relationship with God and the guidance of his pastor. This aspect emphasizes the importance of spiritual grounding and seeking help from above and mentors.


Under Uncle Nnamdi’s wise rule, the village learns from Obi and Ada’s story. Obi’s transformation from a reckless youth to a responsible man is a testament to the power of change. Their marriage grows stronger, symbolizing resilience and forgiveness, and they teach their children the importance of wise decisions and strong moral foundations. The villagers continue to share stories and wisdom, keeping the lessons of Obi and Ada alive for future generations.

From Neglect to a Vicious Life: Sade’s Untold Story

From Neglect to a Vicious Life: Sade’s Untold Story

Reading Time: 6 minutes

From Neglect to a Vicious Life: Sade’s Untold Story

In the heart of Yoruba land, lay the bustling city of Lagos. Life in Lagos was a blend of vibrant market scenes, the rhythmic sounds of traditional drums, and the soft, comforting murmur of the Bar Beach. It was here that Sade’s story unfolded, marked by neglect, sorrow, rebellion, and eventual redemption.

Sade, a delicate girl with eyes that held the depth of neglect and unspoken sorrows, often found herself lost in the shadows of her parents’ ambitions. Her small frame seemed to shrink even further in the vast emptiness of their modest home, where laughter and warmth were as scarce as water in the dry season.

Her father, Mr. Williams, was a transporter whose life was measured in miles rather than moments. His weathered hands gripped the steering wheel of his battered truck from dawn to dusk, navigating treacherous roads that snaked between distant cities. The constant rumble of the engine had become more familiar to him than the sound of neglect from his daughter’s voice. When he did return home, his eyes were heavy with exhaustion, barely registering Sade’s eager face before he collapsed into a dreamless sleep.

Mrs. Williams, a petty trader at the bustling local market, lived in a cacophony of bartering and gossip. Her days were a blur of haggling over yams, peppers, and second-hand clothes, her shrill voice rising above the din as she fought for every kobo. The market had become her world, its rhythms dictating her life more surely than the rising and setting of the sun. In the rare moments when she thought of home and its neglect, it was with a mixture of guilt and justification – surely her hard work would pay off someday, giving Sade the life she deserved.

Their relentless pursuit of a better life had become an all-consuming obsession, leaving no room for the present, no time for the small joys of family life. Sade had become an afterthought, a vague future beneficiary of their sacrifices rather than a living, breathing child in need of love and attention.

In their absence, Sade was left in the care of her older cousins, a decision made more out of necessity than consideration. These cousins, themselves products of neglect and hardship, saw Sade not as a child to nurture but as a burden to bear. Their resentment manifested in subtle cruelties – a sharp word here, a missed meal there, and sometimes, in the dark of night, far worse transgressions that Sade dared not speak of.

As days bled into weeks and months, Sade’s world shrank to the confines of her loneliness. She learned to move silently through the house, to make herself invisible, to swallow her tears and longings. Her eyes, once bright with childish wonder, grew deep and sorrowful, holding secrets too heavy for her young heart to bear. In the rare moments when her parents were home, Sade would watch them from afar, a stranger in her own family, yearning for a connection that seemed forever out of reach.

The shadows of Lagos’s lush forests paled in comparison to the darkness that engulfed Sade’s young life. Her cousins, entrusted with her care, became the architects of her nightmares. Ade, the eldest at seventeen, led the pack with a malevolent glint in his eyes. His sister, Funmi, two years his junior, was no less cruel, her soft voice a deceptive mask for her sadistic nature. The youngest, fourteen-year-old Bode, followed his siblings’ lead, eager to prove his own capacity for cruelty.

Their abuse began subtly – a pinch here, a harsh word there – but quickly escalated into a reign of terror. In the dead of night, when the city was cloaked in darkness, they would creep into Sade’s room. Ade’s calloused hands would clamp over her mouth, muffling her screams as Funmi and Bode took turns inflicting their twisted desires upon her small, fragile body.

“If you breathe a word of this to anyone,” Ade would hiss, his breath hot against her ear, “we’ll throw you into the Bar-Beach. The water spirits will drag you down, and no one will ever find your body.”

The weight of this secret crushed Sade’s spirit. At five years old, she bore a burden that would break even the strongest adult. Her once melodious laughter, which had rung through the compound like little bells, fell silent. The sparkle in her eyes dimmed, replaced by a haunted, faraway look. Joy became a foreign concept, fear her constant companion.

At school, the change in Sade was stark. Mrs. Adeyemi, her kindergarten teacher, watched with growing concern as the once vibrant child withdrew into herself. Sade’s colorful drawings of smiling families were replaced by dark scribbles and torn pages. During playtime, she would huddle in a corner, flinching at the slightest touch from her classmates.

“There’s something wrong with Sade,” Mrs. Adeyemi confided to the headmaster. “I’ve tried talking to her, but she just stares at the floor. I fear something terrible is happening at home.”

The headmaster nodded gravely. “We must inform her parents. This behavior is not normal for a child her age.”

But their concerns fell on deaf ears. When confronted, Mr. Williams waved off their worries with a tired hand. “Children go through phases,” he said dismissively. “We’re working hard to give her a good life. She’ll be fine.”

Mrs. Williams, her mind preoccupied with the day’s sales, barely registered the teacher’s words. “Sade has always been a quiet child,” she insisted. “You’re making something out of nothing.”

As her parents remained blind to her suffering, Sade retreated further into her shell. Each day became a battle for survival, each night a descent into terror. The carefree child she once was vanished, replaced by a hollow-eyed ghost who moved through life in fearful silence, carrying the weight of unspeakable horrors on her tiny shoulders.


Years passed, and Sade’s resentment towards her parents grew. By the time she entered the higher institution, she was a wild dog let loose, seeking to punish her parents through her own destruction. She dove headfirst into a life of hedonism—clubbing, smoking, and engaging in all manner of reckless behavior. She spat on the name of God, despising everything He represented. Invitations to school fellowship were met with disdain. Her heart hardened with each passing day.

On campus, Sade joined a notorious cult known as the Jezebels. Their reign of terror was unmatched; they caused chaos and instilled fear among students and faculty alike. Sade’s transformation into a force of rebellion was complete.

Her roommate, Angela, was a stark contrast. Angela was a devout Christian, her faith unwavering. She prayed fervently for Sade, often with her fellowship friends, despite Sade’s antagonistic behavior. Their coexistence was tense, and it reached a boiling point when Sade decided to exact her revenge on Angela.

In a fit of rage, Sade conspired with her boyfriends to ambush Angela. One evening, as Angela walked back from lectures, singing worship songs and praying, the boys moved in to attack. But something inexplicable happened. As they closed in, they saw Angela moving, but her legs had vanished. Fear gripped them, and they fled, convinced she was a witch.

Terrified, Sade plotted another way to rid herself of Angela. She laced some meat pies with rat poison and offered them to Angela. Angela accepted the food and ate it without hesitation. When nothing happened to her, Sade was shaken to her core. Angela then showed her the scripture that spoke of divine protection: “If they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them.”

Sade’s walls of anger and rebellion crumbled. She broke down and confessed her sins to Angela, who listened with compassion. Through Angela’s guidance, Sade discovered the love and mercy of Christ. It was a long journey, but step by step, she found healing and forgiveness.

Years later, Sade returned to Lagos, not as a wild rebel, but as a beacon of hope. She reconciled with her parents, who were filled with regret and sorrow for their neglect. The city that once witnessed her suffering now saw her as a testament to the transformative power of faith and redemption. Sade’s story became an inspiration, a reminder that even in the darkest times, light can find a way through.

Lessons Learned.

1. Parental Neglect can lead to Emotional and Psychological Damage. When parents fail to provide the necessary love, attention, and protection, children can suffer deep, lasting wounds.

2. Neglect often leaves children vulnerable to abuse, as seen with Sade, who suffered at the hands of her cousins.

3. Sade’s neglected state led to a noticeable decline in her academic performance and social behavior. Parents should not neglect, but be sensitive to such declines.

4. Sade’s attempt to punish her parent’s neglect by engaging in destructive behaviors only led to further harm to herself. Never try to punish people with your actions.

5. Her involvement with the Jezebels and her subsequent actions demonstrate how one bad decision can lead to another, creating a downward spiral that is hard to escape. Watch your company!

6. Despite Sade’s rebelliousness and the wrongs she committed, God’s love remained steadfast.

7. Angela’s faith and persistent prayers for Sade underscore the importance of intercessory prayer and the belief that God can change even the hardest hearts. Do not neglect anyone. Keep praying!