Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner Part 2

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner Part 2.

5. The Role of Physical Attraction

The third realm, the body, plays a crucial role, particularly in the realm of physical attraction, in choosing your life partner. It’s imperative to acknowledge the significance of physical attraction, which is meant to complement the spiritual guidance received through the inner being.

Was I physically attracted to my wife? Absolutely, unequivocally yes! Her presence had a magnetic pull on my heart, causing it to skip a beat whenever she was near.

Yet, it’s essential to exercise caution in this realm. In choosing your life partner, physical attraction is important.

6. Exercising Caution in Physical Desires

While physical attraction is natural and important, it’s vital not to allow the desires of the body to dictate one’s actions. The body may yearn for intimate gestures like kissing, petting, or engaging in premarital sex, but succumbing to these desires is a mistake.

7. Upholding the Sanctity of Love

Premarital sex, in particular, is not a testament to love; rather, it undermines the sanctity of the union. True love is demonstrated through patience and restraint. A man or woman unwilling to wait during courtship is unlikely to exhibit self-control after marriage.

life partner

Therefore, it’s imperative to resist the urges of the body and uphold the sanctity of the relationship, for true love is patient, respectful, and enduring.

8. Discipline of the Body

Absolutely, it’s crucial not to yield to the desires of the body. Doing so disrupts the beautiful narrative that God is weaving in your life. Engaging in sexual sins introduces confusion into the equation, as you shift your focus from listening to your inner being, attuned to God’s guidance, to heeding the impulses of the flesh.

The problem lies in allowing the flesh, driven by physical desires, to dictate your decisions. Unlike the spirit or inner man, which aligns with God’s will, the flesh cannot provide godly direction.

9. Pleasing God Through Decision-making

As Paul admonishes in 1 Corinthians 9:27 (KJV), “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” This underscores the importance of disciplining the body, ensuring that it remains subservient to the inner being.

Indeed, as Romans 8:8 (KJV) emphasizes, “So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” In matters of decision-making, it’s imperative for the inner being to take precedence over the desires of the body.

10. Conclusion: Harmonizing Spirit, Mind, and Body

In summary, it’s crucial to listen to God through your inner being, continually renew your mind with God’s Word to align with His will, and disregard the cravings of the body. These bodily feelings are ordained by God to be enjoyed within the sanctity of marriage.

As married couples, it’s essential never to deny each other intimacy. Using sex as a reward or punishment undermines the sacredness of the marital bond and can lead to adultery, with dire consequences. Even during times of disagreement, denying each other intimacy goes against God’s plan. Conjugal rights are meant to be honored and enjoyed as a gift from God.

May God grant you a deeper understanding and deliver you from confusion and disorientation. I pray for peace, calmness, and divine direction to permeate your life in Jesus’ name as you embark on choosing your life partner.

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 8 Ways To Find Certainty in Choosing Your Life Partner

Introduction: Proposal Experience.

In advising others on proposing to a lady, I often suggest not emulating my approach. My proposal occurred early one morning, precisely at 6:30 a.m., right after our morning devotions. The setting was the Campus Hall of Popoola Hospital, within the premises of Ogun State University, during the third week of February 1996. Unconventionally, I had not yet bathed, dressed simply in a black trouser, a short-sleeved shirt, and bathroom slippers. The decision to propose at that moment was impulsive, spurred by a vivid vision I had experienced the previous night. The urgency of the vision propelled me to act without delay.

1. Being Certain About Whom to Marry.

Today, I want to delve into the topic of how to be certain about choosing your life partner.

As a tripartite being—composed of spirit, soul, and body—you operate within these three realms, each playing a distinct role in heart matters.

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that God communicates with you through your spirit. If you seek guidance from the divine, listen closely to the promptings of your inner being, your spirit, or your inner man. This underscores the significance of prayer, particularly praying in the Spirit or speaking in tongues. Engaging in such practices enhances the sensitivity of your inner being, enabling you to discern God’s voice on any matter, including matters of love and marriage thereby enabling you to choose your life partner.

2. Listening to the Inner Being

Indeed, hearing God’s guidance through my inner being was precisely how I discerned that Sophia was destined to be my wife. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, an unmistakable certainty washed over me. It’s akin to tuning in to frequencies on a radio set; as a child of God, you become attuned to divine direction and wisdom.

choosing your life partner

As the scripture affirms in Romans 8:14 (KJV), “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” This inner knowing, this spiritual leading, is a hallmark of being in tune with God’s will.

However, despite this deep conviction, I took no immediate action for nearly a year. Patience is essential in choosing your life partner.

3. Renewal of the Mind

Within the second realm of existence lies the mind. What God communicates through our inner being, we process through our minds. The extent to which our minds can align with God’s guidance depends on their renewal. This renewal occurs gradually as we immerse ourselves in God’s Word and study diligently. Regular attendance at church and daily devotionals contribute to this process of mind renewal, for the Word of God holds transformative power. This process is essential in choosing your life partner

4. Dealing with Doubts and Fears

In my mind, doubts and fears crept in. Despite my love for Sophia and the conviction in my spirit, I grappled with uncertainties. Questions nagged at me: Was she truly meant to be my wife? Would our union be blessed with children? What if I had misinterpreted the signs?

In such moments of doubt, the remedy lies in returning to the source of the original guidance: the Spirit within. Through prayer in the Spirit, seeking clarity and confirmation, I sought reassurance. Was I on the right path? Was this truly God’s plan for me?

As I prayed, a sense of assurance welled up from within, like a river flowing from my innermost being, washing away the doubts and fears. Yet, if despite my prayers, the fears persisted, and peace remained elusive, it signaled a need for further discernment. It was crucial to ascertain whether God’s leading was indeed guiding me in this direction.

Despite the initial fears and uncertainties, prayer in the Spirit consistently brought clarity and certainty. Each time I prayed, the doubts dissolved, reaffirming my conviction that Sophia was meant to be my wife.

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Knowing Who To Marry

Knowing Who To Marry

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Knowing Who To Marry

What is that one thing that is also important in considering who to marry? His faith is important.

Mostly because his faith will influence yours.

It is his faith in God, that will cause him to have the fear of God.

If he has the fear of God, he will never cheat on you.

He would rather protect you and care for you.

He would have the wisdom to live with you and raise a godly family because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Never ever get married to a man who has no regard for God.

It would be the greatest mistake ever!

Well, no matter how much you love him, no matter how much preparation you have made, no matter how much has been spent, if he does not have a relationship with God, pick your bags and bolt!

Run for your life.

Preserve your destiny with your choice.

2Co 6:14-15 (MSG)  
Don’t become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That’s not partnership; that’s war. Is light best friends with dark?  [15]  Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands?

Knowing Who To Marry

There is no greater partnership than marriage.

Destinies are wedged together.

Souls become tied together.

Afflictions are intertwined and shared.
Blessings are shared as well.

In marriage, there is a “knowing” at the highest level as love is consummated.

The husband becomes the cover and the head of the family.

God forbids that the head is sick, for he would only transfer the sickness.

He can only give what he has.

God forbid that the head is foolish, he would only disseminate the foolishness and no more.

He would make foolish decisions and affect the wife and the children, and sometimes, the children’s children!

The mouth of the foolish poureth out foolishness.

Pro 15:2 (KJV)  
The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

Take a look at the Message Translation:

Pro 15:2 (MSG)  
Knowledge flows like spring water from the wise; fools are leaky faucets, dripping nonsense.

May you not have a leaky faucet of a head, dripping nonsense over your destiny!

Knowing Who To Marry

I tell you, as a counselor, that can be frustrating!

How beautiful is it, to have a praying man over your life, to have a man who is faithful to you, who will never cheat on you, not because he doesn’t feel like it but because he fears God!

Go for a man who fears God. This is why pre-marital counseling is important

Go for a God lover!

Go for a God-chaser!

It would put your mind at rest.

You wouldn’t need to add the unrest, suspicion, insecurity, disagreements, and bickering that goes with knowing your spouse is cheating on you to your daily pressures.

Go for peace of mind.

If you are already married and have issues, please don’t give up too quickly. Pray and intercede! Go for therapy as well! Don’t keep quiet and watch things degenerate until it becomes too late!

Divorce is not always God’s direction unless life is threatened.

Take time to intercede and trust God for intervention and you will surely see the salvation of the Lord in Jesus name!
May God grant more understanding!

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