Four Ways To Have Victory In Your Relationship

Four Ways To Have Victory In Your Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Psa 92:1-2 KJV It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

I love this scripture a lot! It is a good thing! What do you do that translates into a good thing?

There are four things mentioned.

  • To give thanks unto the Lord
  • Sing praises unto God’s name
  • To show forth His loving kindness in the morning
  • To show forth His faithfulness every night

It is good as a child of God to learn to do these daily! Why must we do these? It’s because it is good to do them. Just like when you say it is good to eat good food. It is good to have your bath…the same way, for your spiritual health, for your victory in life; it is good to these things.

Rather than complain about your partner, give thanks unto the Lord. Rather than nag at him, give thanks unto the Lord. Rather than sulk over being jilted or abandoned, give thanks unto the Lord.

Then it says, sing praises unto God’s name. You don’t need to be on key to do that. You can even sing along with your tab or phone.

Rather than listen to Lady Gaga or Beyonce, sing praises unto God’s name. Rather than sing some secular songs whose lyrics are negative, sing praises unto God’s name!

Then, learn to shew forth His lovingkindness in the morning! How do you do that?

Message translations says:

Psa 92:2 MSG To announce your love each daybreak…

Common now! You show forth His loving kindness by announcing His love each morning! You’ve got to come to a place in God where you refuse to wake up with some heaviness because of what happened the previous day or what is ahead of you in the new day. You see, praising God is not what you do with how you feel or you will not be able to do anything.  Refuse to wake up into some sad state of heart. Refuse to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I have checked my bed severally and I also told my wife to check, there is no wrong side! Both sides of the bed are right sides; whichever side I wake from, I am good to go! You see, our bed is laid with the sheets of praise! It’s got to be good!

In the morning, the first thing to do is not to hiss and shake your head in some regrets! Stop waking up with a frown. Did someone fight you in your dream?  Learn to praise Him like your life depends on it because your life depends on it!

Finally, it says, to show forth His lovingkindness in the night! Every night! That is what it says! Don’t let the last thing you do in the night be listening to News or watching some Home videos that can break homes! Don’t fall asleep on some music that can dirty your spirit.

One translation of that verse says

Psa 92:2 BBE To make clear your mercy in the morning, and your unchanging faith every night;

Ruminate and meditate on that unchanging faith of God every night! Never lose hope. Hold on to God’s word and believe that the following day will be your day!

You see, when you consciously and deliberately learn to start and end your days like these, it does something to you. It positions you in a place where you are strategically ready for what God wants to do in your life. It helps you to cooperate with God’s plan for your life!

When you learn to do these daily, there are two things that will happen in your life.

Psa 92:10, 12 AMP But my horn (emblem of excessive strength and stately grace) You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with fresh oil. The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].

In verse 10, your strength will be exalted. Your productivity will be maximized. Your result will be assured. Your victory will be certain.

In verse 12, you will flourish. You will succeed. You will grow and expand.  You will be durable and incorruptible!

Get ready for some victory as you listen to GOD on this, as you start your day with Him and end with Him. Before you do this for long, you will surely see the hands of the Lord on not just your relationship and marriage, but in your business and every area of your life!

I will praise God in the morning and in the night. I will not give in to depression. My victory is ascertained.

Oh God, teach me how to praise you all day long and have victory.

O Lord, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep (Psalms 92:5 KJV)

Decide to praise God today

Ps 92


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How To Love God and Love Your Partner As Well

How To Love God and Love Your Partner As Well

Reading Time: 2 minutes

1. Do not pass the night in his house
If you do, you can end up pleasing him and offending God. Losing God’s support and favor is not what anybody should experience

2. Do not succumb to any sexual pressures
Stay sane.
Stay strong.
Do not melt like stew every time someone touches you.
You are not a sexual toy.
You are not a sexual object.
Relationships that are sex driven do not last.

3. Do not double date
Don’t welcome deception into your heart.
It is a dangerous visitor.
The capacity to cheat on him or her is a capacity that ends in destruction.
Be faithful.

4. Do not fall into comparison traps
We are all unique.
We will not all take off at the same time and sure enough arrival points will be different.

2Co 10:12 (KJV)
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

5. Do not sow seed of bitterness
Avoid use of wrong words.
Words are spirits!
Let go of abusive words, vulgar words and curse words.
Speak healthy words

6. Encourage him in that which is good
Be an encourager.
Be a helper.
Seek his advancement.

7. Seek God together and for each other
Pray a lot for him.
Seek for God and do it with all your heart.

Jer 29:13 (KJV)
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

8. Pay attention to your spiritual life

Ask questions when you are in the presence of great people.

9. Get a mentor over your relationship.
Mentors will fence off tormentors of destinies.
Stay connected.

10. Avoid strife completely
Strife ushers in dryness.
Avoid it like a plague.
Confusion lies on the bosom of strife.

Jas 3:16 (KJV)
For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

May God grant more understanding on how to love God.

The Lord is my helper

Pray for grace to love God.

Psa 3:3 (KJV)  
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

Praise God today

Romans 1 -3


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