Two Major Areas You Need to Work At In Marriage

Two Major Areas You Need to Work At In Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As couples, there are areas we need to make improvements with our lives because we have the capacity to do and be more than it presently is. We need to grow so we can accomplish more and become more fulfilled in life especially in our marriage.

1.  Spiritually

As a couple, we should grow together in the Lord. Our spiritual growth is of utmost importance and we should take it as such. Even Jesus Christ grew and waxed strong in spirit.

And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.Luke 1:80 [KJV]

You need to strive at growing spiritually first on a personal level.

Some husbands are of the opinion that their wives are supposed to grow more than they and be their intercessors. They go around and commit all manner of sins and expect the prayers of their wives to cover them. This is not right. Every husband should be the head of his family in every ramification.

We grow together spiritually when we are able to hear, walk and work with God on the same frequency in our marriage. Not that God is asking your husband to do a particular thing and you don’t have the slightest clue because you are still a babe in Christ.

We grow spiritually when we give attention to the things of God. Daily study of the Bible, prayers, meditations of God’s word, et cetera, all sum up our spiritual growth. Let couples be seen serving God together. It’s such a blessing when husband and wife hold hands to pray and wreak havoc to the kingdom of darkness together.

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This year, we should make it our priority to serve and know God more. Let us give time to seeking and searching for the Lord. Wisdom is the principal thing we have to seek before anything.

2.  Mentally

Our mental health is so important and we need to pay attention to it. Why we need to aim at this development as couples is that, if we don’t grow together, we will not be able to relate well to our spouse on the same level. We have mental capabilities that are yet untapped and we need to explore this aspect of our lives.

Our mental capacity is our ability to think well and process events well. It is the creative part of us. It is also our intellectual capacity. Some couples have the husband further his education and develop his mental capacity while the wife remains at the school certificate level.

We should as couples grow together and be on the same mental level so we can discuss issues together without the fear of losing our spouse in the discussion. The wife or husband should stop feeling intimidated whenever one spouse is discussing intelligently with other people of the opposite sex.

We should be able to engage our spouses mentally. Mental development is essential especially since men are logical. We can develop our mental capacity by going back to school (if need be), taking online courses, engaging in brain-stimulating events, learning new skills, reading news and other intellectual pieces, being current through reading and learning.

Don’t be rigid and old school. Learn new things and new ways of doing things.

The world has gone digital, don’t be analog in your mind. Don’t become obsolete or you will be laid aside by your contemporaries.

Let’s work on this aspect of our lives because it has effects on our marriage.

God bless our marriage!

I develop every aspect of my life because Jesus died for every aspect of it.

Lord, help me to give attention to every area of my life.

Lk1:80 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel

Start developing these areas of your life

Josh 1-5


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