How To Dream Big – Part 6

How To Dream Big – Part 6

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Another sensible thing to do as you go about achieving your dream is to read up about the people who have done what you want to do.

These people may be famous or not but they have achieved what you want to. When you read and/or study about their lives, what they went through, where they lived, how they did what they did and the rest, you are learning some great lessons from their lives. You see their mistakes, fears, habits, and more. These are great tools for you to use for your own journey of fulfilling your dream.

Reading about them helps you know how to avoid some mistakes they made. That’s the best way to learn and grow. Using their tips and tricks will help to speed up the learning process for you and you will also achieve the same results they did, and your dream will be made manifest.

Look at the story of the prophets Elijah and Elisha in the bible.  Elijah was a powerful prophet in the bible. He declared that there wouldn’t be any rain and there wasn’t (1Kings 17:1-2). It was only after he said there would be rain that it rained (1Kings 18:41-46). He was also the one that called down fire from heaven to burn the wet animal sacrifice when he challenged the fake prophets of fake gods to a contest (1 Kings 18:1-40).

Elisha saw all the mighty things Elijah did and asked for a double portion of his anointing and he received it (and it helped him fulfill his own dream). Why? Because he understood the power that Elijah had. Just like when you read up on these people because you know how much they have achieved in their field. You need this kind of power.

May God give you the right people to follow. Amen.


Lord, lead me to men and women whose lives are a mirror of your grace and goodness. May I learn what I need to learn from them to fulfill my dream. Amen.

Action plan:

Read books about great men and women in the field you are pursuing. You can also read up on people who have encountered and overcome great physical, medical, spiritual, and financial challenges. Ordinary people who have overcome so much. Then apply it to your dream.

Read yesterday’s article here


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