How To Survive Hurts And Disappointments – Part 2

How To Survive Hurts And Disappointments – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – How To Survive Hurts And Disappointments

Continued from yesterday…

Forgiveness is releasing the offender in your heart only to discover you are freeing yourself. The offender or the person that hurt has moved on, and it is even probable he might meet Jesus along the way, retrace his steps and do well. It is you that must not resign to fate because of some past occurrences, let go and let God!

Why must you forgive hurts? God says so. You also want Him to forgive you anyway.

It will be too much to hold a person or persons in bitterness in your heart.  Free yourself and allow God who is the re-writer of history to rewrite your life. Allow God who can collapse years to recompense every lost year. Allow God who is the restorer to help you to the point that you will forget the shame of your youth!

Yes, he really hurt you. He jilted you. She deceived you. He pushed you into abortions. She eloped with your money. He raped you. Your cousin violated you. Your big sister abused you. Your father slept with you. Your house-help did this and that…the issues are endless…It has happened!

Don’t ostracize yourself like Mephibosheth to Lo-debar, a land of no communication because he was dropped by his caretaker and broke his ankles. Rather, allow God to make a message out of the mess. Allow Him to turn the mistakes into miracles. That is How To Survive Hurts And Disappointments.

Allow God to birth a dream out of the doom. Allow him to showcase you to the world that when He covers anybody with His glory, the shame and the embarrassments become a thing of the past, and the broken become masters at mending.

The first step is to forgive hurts. I pray for strength for you today in your inner man to let go. Some of you have bottled it for years and it has kept you captive like when a lion holds its prey at the jugular.

Don’t allow bitterness and strife to lock their jaws on you and keep you immobilized. If you need somebody to talk with to initiate the healing process, feel free to give me a call on +234 802 3507395. If I don’t pick up your calls, keep trying, I might be in a meeting.

Don’t just become a survivor. Become a forgiver!

It’s a new day for you!

You will succeed!

Your life will be a testimony!

You are blessed!

How To Survive Hurts And Disappointments

My future is colorful and bright. I will not allow an unforgiving spirit to rob me of it. I receive grace to forgive all hurts and offense

Lord, I ask you to give me a loving heart like Jesus. Give me a heart that forgives hurts and prays for those who despitefully use us.

Mat 6:14For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

Make a list and forgive all and don’t keep an unforgiving spirit

Ps 24-27


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How To Protect Yourself From Heartaches. –Part 2

How To Protect Yourself From Heartaches. –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Continued from yesterday

Ask yourself these questions before saying ‘I do’. Ask these questions before you fall in love, and every sense of reasoning disappears!

1. Can I see myself in the picture of his future?

What’s his future like based on what he is doing now? What is he doing now? Who is she? What kind of work or job is he/she into? Does this person love God? Is he protective of my virtue or does not mind me compromising?

2. Do I love him/her enough for marriage?

Can I live with him till death do us part? Do I really love him or her or am I just going into this marriage for something I can get like money or some influence?

3. Am I proud of him/her physically, mentally, and spiritually?

Do I like his or her appearance? Would I be embarrassed introducing him or her to friends?

4. Will my kids be proud and approve of him/her?

Would he be a great example? Is he a man of his word? Does he have integrity? Would he influence my children to drink, smoke, and to some other vices? Would she be a good mother? Is he a loafer or very hardworking? Is she enterprising?

Let’s continue tomorrow.

I possess wisdom, wisdom directs my actions. I am not blindly in love that I do not apply wisdom. I am patient to find out what I need to find out before saying ‘I do’.

Lord, help me to do my part and follow your leading in my decisions, especially in the area of my relationship. I receive fresh wisdom from you to direct my path in Jesus name.

Ask (questions), and the answer shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. –Matthew 7:7

Take a pen and paper and write down all the questions you are going to ask the person you intend to marry, whether he/she is already around or not. Be prepared, so you are not so much in love that all sense of reasoning is gone.

Ezekiel 47


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Help Pastor, My Heart Is Broken

Help Pastor, My Heart Is Broken

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Betty gave her all to that relationship. It was the very first time she would fall in love and it meant a lot to her. She saw nothing other than a glorious wedding, a blissful marriage, and wonderful children ahead. She fantasized herself being with Bode, loving each other as married couples.

She nearly failed her exam at a time because she was in love. The love was like drugs to her. She thought about nothing other than Bode. Her friends told her to slow down but she told them they were jealous and it was because theirs weren’t working.

“Nobody will mess up my romantic story,” she would say.

As time progressed, quarrels reared their heads. The love story began to develop unwanted twists that nearly ended the story abruptly. But she hung on.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was when Betty discovered that Bode was cheating on her with three different ladies, one of them being her best friend.

Her heart was shattered, scattered, and battered.

“All men are scum!” She said.

She went from anger into hurt and then bitterness. From there she entered acute feminism and she was beginning to sing that “marriage is not for me”

Have you ever find yourself in this kind of scenario? I have a word of the Lord for you this morning.

Even though you are hurting and bitter, God will heal your soul! Yes, He promised that!

HE RESTORETH MY SOUL: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Psa 23:3 (KJV)

He would not just heal your soul which is battered, He will restore it and reset it! Then He will now lead you into His God’s ordained plan for you maritally.

So when you are hurting, don’t stay in that hurt, go to God and let God do only what God can do.

I pray for you, healing and restoration will come to your soul in Jesus Name!

My soul is restored in God.

Pray for your emotional healing

Ps 23:3 (AMP) He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him — not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake.

Take your hurting heart to God

Ps 23


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