Telling Others about Jesus, evangelism, is an important habit every Christian child should have. Jesus commanded His disciples to take the Good News all over the world. To tell people of different ages and in different countries about Him and God’s great love for all people.
They were told to share the news of how Jesus was soon coming back and taking us all to heaven.
Isn’t that something you would like to learn how to do? To regularly share the Good News to people you meet. To tell them to change from their wrong ways and accept Jesus into their lives as their Lord and Saviour. That’s simply evangelism, and it brings joy to you as you do it.
You are Jesus’ disciple right now. You are His follower and expected to do what the disciples written about in the bible did.
Let’s look at the story of the woman at the well side who came in contact with Jesus, and how she immediately imbibed evangelism.
A Samaritan woman went to get some water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink of water.” (His disciples had gone into the city to buy some food.) The Samaritan woman asked him, “How can a Jewish man like you ask a Samaritan woman like me for a drink of water?” (Jews, of course, don’t associate with Samaritans.) Jesus replied to her, “If you only knew what God’s gift is and who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked him for a drink. He would have given you living water.” John 4:7-10 GW
As we keep reading, still keep your eyes open for this habit of evangelism in the life of this Samaritan woman.
Jesus answered her, “Everyone who drinks this water will become thirsty again. But those who drink the water that I will give them will never become thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give them will become in them a spring that gushes up to eternal life.” The woman told Jesus, “Sir, give me this water! Then I won’t get thirsty or have to come here to get water.” John 4:13-15 GW
Then the woman left her water jar and went back into the city. She told the people, “Come with me, and meet a man who told me everything I’ve ever done. Could he be the Messiah?” The people left the city and went to meet Jesus. John 4:28-30 GW
She found something cool and wanted to share with her townspeople; that’s evangelism. To her, this was a discovery too good to keep for herself alone. She had to share.
Don’t keep Jesus alone for yourself. Share him with other people. Let them know the cool things you have been enjoying, have enjoyed and will enjoy in Jesus.
Form the habit of constantly telling people about Jesus.
Your fellowship with other Believers is one of the great habits to imbibe, and today we would start with a scene that happened in Jide’s life. Jide took the stairs two at a time as he made his way up to the second floor of the school’s building. It was almost fellowship time and he was leading opening prayers. He didn’t want to keep the others waiting and God too.
“not forsaking our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more [ faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching. Hebrews 10:25 AMP
The verse above tells you why you need to develop the habit of constant fellowship with other believers like yourself. You worship God together and learn from Him. Not that you can’t do this on your own. You can, but with other believers, you will experience God in a new way.
Look at how people in church speak in different tongues. Or say one prayer in different ways. How about when someone or the pastor says he has a message from God for everyone. Yes, God will speak to you when you are alone with Him, He can also do so in a gathering of believers.
Another thing you will enjoy in a fellowship with other believers is encouragement. When you feel weak to pray, they can pray for you. Their prayers will boost your spiritual muscles and connect you to God’s power node where you draw strength to pray.
And finally, you know Jesus’ return is almost here, you need to be more spiritually sound and one way to be so is in the presence of the brethren (fellow believers). Constantly connecting with them keeps you from falling into sin easily or at all. You should learn to fellowship with other Believers.
So, when next your parents say it’s time for church, don’t frown or grumble. Rather, grab your Bible, put on a beautiful smile on your face, and say “I am ready!”
Prayer: Lord, thank You for my fellow believers. Thank You for the wonderful Christian family I have. Teach me to fellowship with other Believers. Amen.
Action point: Why not lead prayers or praise at the next prayer meeting or fellowship at school or in church.
Gratitude is a great habit to start practicing as early as you can. It is the act of looking for the good things that you have or that have happened in your life and be thankful for them. Look deep into your life and search for things you are enjoying right now. Thank God for them.
Thank God that you have parents who love you and provide for all you need. Appreciate God for giving you a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes wear, friends, and more. Gratitude is a great habit!
When you refuse to be grateful, you are taking for granted God’s blessing over you. You are saying to God that you don’t need Him or that what He is doing for you is not enough. Or that He is not even doing anything for you. But God is always doing something for you. Even if you are being bullied at school, still thank God that you can pray to Him and He will answer your prayers.
Always look around you and find something to be thankful for; gratitude is a great habit for you. Every morning you wake up, thank God for keeping you and your family members alive. Thank Him for the good health you are enjoying. Even if you are sick, thank Him for the medications you are using and the medical personnel that are treating you.
Don’t keep looking at the bad things happening. Search for the good ones. And be grateful for them. Learn to put on the cloak of gratitude. Yes gratitude is a great habit that you can wear, and it will sure do you good.
in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 18:5 AMP
Keep a journal of all the things you are grateful for and check them in a month. You will be surprised at how many items you are going to have in it.
May the Lord bless you with a heart of gratitude. Amen.
Prayer: I am grateful for all the Lord has given me, is giving me, and will give me in the future. Engrave this phrase in my heart: Gratitude is a great habit. Thank You, Lord.
Action plan: Keep a Gratitude Journal and start recording
Yesterday, we began this discussion on how to confront addictions and bad habits.
We mentioned three points:
1. Be honest with God 2. Nail down a stake 3. Connect with God’s power
Here is the conclusion.
4. Renew your mind This is absolutely important. How do you renew your mind? By reading and studying God’s word regularly.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2 KJV)
Here is Message translation:
Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
5. Focus your eyes You need to focus your eyes and stop all the bad habits. For example, if you view pornography on your phones or tab which leads to other Jeru trip, simply stop viewing those things. Don’t walk down to a cyber-café, knowing what will happen there.
6. Control your body Put your body under. Your body is not supposed to be giving direction or instructions. Your body is supposed to take instructions from your recreated human spirit.
7. Confide in a friend/mentor Have somebody you trust that you can talk to. Sin is perpetuated in the atmosphere of secrecy. Whatever you expose loses its power. Make sure you have somebody you can confide in.
8. Avoid tempting situations Do not go to compromising areas. Do not feed your weaknesses. While trying to fix a bad habit, it is a wrong time to attend a night party. If you have a problem with Jeru trip with a certain guy or lady, then don’t pack your bags to go and spend the weekend there! If you have issues with a married man or woman, stop picking the calls and stop going with him or her to Guesthouses!
9. Press on despite failures One mistake, while you try to stand straight, does not end it all. Press on, and never give up in your resolve to destroy what is attempting to destroy you. A just man may fall seven times, but He rises up again. He doesn’t stay down!
10. Go for total victory. Go for total victory because victory is in your DNA. You are designed to win. Jesus won on your behalf.
I pray for you this morning, you will not fail and you will not miss it. I declare your courtship/marriage blessed this day! You will not be cut off in the midst of your days. You will fulfill your destiny. I curse every distraction in your life. I come against every militating spirit against your destiny. I cancel every handwriting and ordinance against you. I break and severe you from every strange soul ties and I proclaim your freedom this day in Jesus name. Whosoever the son shall set free shall be free indeed, so I proclaim you free in Jesus name!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I am helped by God to confront addictions.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, give me the strength to confront any known addiction in my life
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Job 31:1 KJV I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Decide to stop all forms of compromise and confront addictions slowing you down